Hard to believe that DPC will put Jill and James to disrupt Bella and MC's relationship. It will likely be one or the other and DPC seems to have chosen Jill for this role.
Too much drama for just one season, even for the DPC's taste. It would be one shit after another.
Dude, don't get my hopes up. I'm dying for some action involving blood.

It would be a dream if that happened, we need more violence in this game.
If MC showed interest for Jill and Bella at the same time, and finally chose Bella, there will be an opportunity to change his mind and follow another path, that's all. Probably will happen the same with the rest of the paths, the election of the ending of Ep 8 is not final. But Jill could only disrupt Bella and MC's relationship if MC was interested in Jill in the first place. If MC went to the date with Jill and didn't kissed her or showed other interest, she can't disrupt anything, so... No drama in Bella's path if MC didn't show interest for Jill, or just want to follow Bella's path until the end? Again, I think that the main drama between MC and Bella is going to be James, one way or another.
The way I think Bella's path is going to be, is not too much drama for one season. Season 3 will be small drama (again, Jill being an ass, and problems maintaining the secrecy of the relationship) that will be resolved one way on another (Jill will "forgive" Bella at the end if she sees that can't get MC, MC will resort to the "secret code of the DIKs" to make that they don't talk about Bella and him...) and then, at the end of the season, when everything looks clear skies and rainbows for MC and Bella's relationship... James comes into scene.
And someone already has flashed a gun, that means (if DPC knows how to write) that at some point, someone is going to use it. I don't know if someone is going to be badly wounded or something, but I think that most of the routes are going to be darker from now on, including Bella's. The scene I'm imagining is James returning home and finding MC and Bella at home having a romantic dinner or something, and James loosing his cool and grabbing MC to beat the shit out of him. Them maybe MC would have to choose between having a fight with Bella's husband in front of Bella (something she wouldn't like) if DIK, going away if NEUTRAL or trying to calm him if CHIK... something like that.