You know, it's funny that murlockwarlock wants to get in here calling people brain dead simps for supporting Will or other devs, stating that they should only pay for a finished product. If you claim that they are brain dead, what do you call all of those people who invest in the stock market? Oh Sure, there's thousands of stocks that are doing great and making money But, how do you think that they Got there? All of those stocks started out as Start Up Investments. People had to believe in the product enough to want to buy into. With many products, you don't even get much of a chance to even sample what you invest in. Do you think that early investors in Shell Oil got the opportunity to get free gas for their cars? When Apple first went public on the market, do you think they tried to put their product into every home first?
Devs do demos as a way to secure investors in their product. If enough people like the product or see potential in it, theyll invest in it. Are there shady devs and modders? Sure. Just like in the market (look up Enron). You can't stop the deviousness of a human being when they are set on being so. For the most part, Will and the team have been consistent and transparent with their work. Just like the market, there will be ups and downs but people willing to take a chance on this VN support it monetarily because it's worthwhile. That doesn't make them simps anymore than a person going to Vegas with their money playing the slots, roulette, or the blackjack tables. If you've been burned, you have the right to be pissed off but don't come in here pissing on everyone else's parade. Breathe dude.
Devs do demos as a way to secure investors in their product. If enough people like the product or see potential in it, theyll invest in it. Are there shady devs and modders? Sure. Just like in the market (look up Enron). You can't stop the deviousness of a human being when they are set on being so. For the most part, Will and the team have been consistent and transparent with their work. Just like the market, there will be ups and downs but people willing to take a chance on this VN support it monetarily because it's worthwhile. That doesn't make them simps anymore than a person going to Vegas with their money playing the slots, roulette, or the blackjack tables. If you've been burned, you have the right to be pissed off but don't come in here pissing on everyone else's parade. Breathe dude.