Calling out my favorite girl, Bree Olson

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Hello heavenly blessed beauty whose inner beauty and beauty is simply divine and everlasting...good luck in all your goals in 2010

You are one of the fairest maidens there has ever been. Yours is an ancient beauty, the kind of muse that inspired Omar Khayyam or the Chauraspanchasika. Surely it was an angel like you who wooed Odysseus as he stood tied to the mast or whose light burst from the balcony that inspired Romeo to song. Oh be my muse, fair lady, and we shall teach the generations to come how to love If thou were to look ever so briefly my way, ever so ephemeral a glance, so sweet a bright light would condescend from the very heavens I should surely die with a smile on my still-warm lips and a tear cresting in my still-shining eyes, a tear of the very distillation of the conglomerate of all of histories joys.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Hey Lothario, what the fuck is this? I think you meant "descend from the heavens" not condescend. I'm condescending to you when I tell you not to post anything like this again. If you're going to use SAT words, use them correctly. And oh yeah, nice avatar, sexy! :1orglaugh

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persona non grata
Dear god.
Hey Lothario, what the fuck is this? I think you meant "descend from the heavens" not condescend. I'm condescending to you when I tell you not to post anything like this again. If you're going to use SAT words, use them correctly. And oh yeah, nice avatar, sexy! :1orglaugh

EDIT: You copied the text from a body building forum Originality FAIL! :rofl:

That's the hardest I've ever seen anybody get owned on this board. :bowdown:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
self pic + shirtless + cliche douche bag muscle man pose
-------------------------------------------------------- = HAHAHAHAHA
hilariously contradictory username x lame high school body


Hey Lothario, what the fuck is this? I think you meant "descend from the heavens" not condescend. I'm condescending to you when I tell you not to post anything like this again. If you're going to use SAT words, use them correctly. And oh yeah, nice avatar, sexy! :1orglaugh

EDIT: You copied the text from a body building forum Originality FAIL! :rofl:

Noticed you were a cub fan, ironically im a huge Cardinal fan. Failure is a word you guys know a lot about. Say hello to the new 3-4 punch that will give you bums headaches for the next 7+ years.
Hey Lothario, what the fuck is this? I think you meant "descend from the heavens" not condescend. I'm condescending to you when I tell you not to post anything like this again. If you're going to use SAT words, use them correctly. And oh yeah, nice avatar, sexy! :1orglaugh

EDIT: You copied the text from a body building forum Originality FAIL! :rofl:

I can't rep you, but this is


By the way Bree, if you're excepting resumes for personal security positions please pm me I train 7 days a week and am currently an orange belt in tapout. 5'6" 190 at @ 6% bf currently, getting ready to bulk to 230 though then its time for a cut before the affliction nationals in august. Get at me girl
By the way Bree, if you're excepting resumes for personal security positions please pm me I train 7 days a week and am currently an orange belt in tapout. 5'6" 190 at @ 6% bf currently, getting ready to bulk to 230 though then its time for a cut before the affliction nationals in august. Get at me girl

Dear Bree,

Get a restraining order against this guy, and the sooner the better. Thanks


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
where are your pics at bro, kthanksbye

Here, you go, pal. A nice citrusy pic just for you. Enjoy! It's fruity, so it should be right up your alley...
This is gettin' good! :popcorn:

Did you really think you could go onto a board, fail at charming a pornstar, and than pretend to be an MMA all star and get a job as a body guard? You are a fucking loser.
By the way Bree, if you're excepting resumes for personal security positions please pm me I train 7 days a week and am currently an orange belt in tapout. 5'6" 190 at @ 6% bf currently, getting ready to bulk to 230 though then its time for a cut before the affliction nationals in august. Get at me girl

Her real body guard could probably rip you in half like a piece of paper but good try:nanner:
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