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  • Thanks for the posative rep bro. Seriously. I just made that one of my first posts from the heart because I am simply VERY sickened-out and disappointed at my fellow human beings for being into that shit and for the adult adult film industry for making it. Plain & simply. The golden Age & Silver Age especially what I greew-up with is SO much better adult entertainment-wise. Don't care what all anyone else argues with me about, and they know it. ;) Take it easy, Serpent and Happy Holidays!
    Exactly: As adult film perform Mark Davis once said in his bio page, it was all once one, big oddly happy together family and a truely unique industry. Over the last decade it has now turned into all about greed and strangely overly high production values. Not the Golden (late '70s and early '80s) and Silver age (VHS tape days of the '90s up until around '98 or so) where THE SHIT! In a posative/good way. :) Keep on truckin' Serpent!
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