Coal Chamber - Loco [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- Coal Chamber's video for 'Loco' from the album, Coal Chamber - available now on Roadrunner Records. Download the album on iTunes:
Steamroller rollin' through my head said
Attached to loco power up coal
Through the system out to the right said
You're in my light
Lock down the generator, on man screw
Don't use the system, use the main plan
Full power up to the point man
Don't fuck with me
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Steamroller rollin' through my head said
Attached to loco power up coal
Through the system out to the right said
You're in my light
Lock down the generator, on man screw
Don't use the system, use the main plan
Full power up to the point man
Don't fuck with me
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Steamroller rollin' through my head said
Attached to loco power up coal
Through the system out to the right said
You're in my light
Lock down the generator, on man screw
Don't use the system, use the main plan
Full power up to the point man
Don't fuck with me
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Me loco, me loco
Be a teenager in the 90's and growing with this band, KoRn, Slipknot, Mudvayne, Deftones, Fear Factory, System of a Down, Static-X, Soulfly, etc... what a great era.
Tbh for music, the best I rekon
deftones, static, and soulfly sadly ive never seen live. though i wasnt ever a huge soulfly fan. sevendust was pretty good also, same with rammstein if you wanna tie them in as well. i really wish i would have seen staticx when i had the chance though, didnt the lead singer die on their first or second tour?
I always hated Soad and felt they were greatly overhyped, especially back in the early 200's when you could not escape hearing Chop Suey fucking everywhere. The rest of the bands I liked though. I would say that overall Mudvayne and Fear Factory's music have held up the best. I will always like Korn and Slipknot, but no where near as much as I did as a teenage. Slipknot's last cd was probably their worst in my opinion. As for Korn, it has been a long time since I have bought one of their cds, but even when I did I would say they were 50/50 for good albums vs bad albums (though probably much higher towards bad now as they experiment too much for my taste and don't like the newer non metal influences Korn has embraced in later cds. I doubt they will ever be able to come close to the success they had with Follow the Leader or pull off a successful album that will gain lots of new fans decades later like Green Day managed to do with American Idiot.
Brent Albrecht ive never listened to a soad song i dont like. Soad is my top 3 favorite bands but ill admit that chop suey is way too overplayed. Although its a good song, their greatest dont get as much recognition. Serj's solo work is amazing too, hes a one of a kind musician
This was the era of skater music getting a bit hardcore. Not quite nu metal or death metal, but metal-lite
Really didn’t think at 35 I’d be still enjoying the same songs I did when I was 14 😂🎉
How could you not enjoy Coal Chamber or Devil Driver they heavy and smoothe not to soft not to hard just perfect
This comment is currently me ahaha
I'm 35 too. We had the best teen years, thanks to music like this!
It's funny how that happens they say that the music you listen to the most during your teen years is gonna be the music you listen to for the rest of your life so that's probably why lol
@@kingkrysen oh that’s funny - didn’t know that! 🤣
OOOOOOOOH MY GOOOOOOOOD!!!!! i am 66 years old and I had totally forgot about this song until i just now came across it. It's 8:30 a.m where i live and what a song to wake up to. I am putting Coal Chamber on my play list so that I never forget them again. Yes i am 66 years old and I still head bang, as long as my neck holds out i will be a head banger til I'm 100. Thank you guys for the wake up song. You have made my day!!!!!
@Rotkraznyi Boöte's void party on wayne
you go, pops! keep it real!
You are a hero!
@@guillermomonti2080 What else is there to do? Just because I'm getting old doesn't mean I can't still rock and roll and headbang. As long as my mind is fit why not. I'll have plenty of time to sit in my rocking chair and just chill in my later years. My music is what keeps me young. ROCK AND ROLL and HEADBANGERS FOREVER!!!
@@brettschoenleben Not really. Just trying to feel young as long as I can. Life has been too short and I'm not ready to give up yet. I still have a few years to go.
I haven't listened to this song in over 20 years. I recently overheard some 13 year olds talking about Coal Chamber when I was picking up my son from school. Being a metal head in the 90's was a great time to be alive.
Yup, the young crowd loves their nu metal now. Fine by me, makes my oldish ass feel vindicated.
Its been a while since I heard them too forgot about them tbh.
It so was!
I love how this clip references B-horror movies and also defines coal chamber as a band. They never wanted to be scary like Marilyn Manson or other dark bands of the time, obviously they were musically dark and heavy, but they also had a sense of fun and simplicity. One of the best bands in nu metal and I think they deserve more recognition and respect.
When you have ozzy as the one of the managers and have him appear in the vid its kinda hard not to have that vibe
This music video was included as an after credits bonus on the vhs tape of a movie called strangeland starring dee Snyder
Marilyn wasn't scary. Who the f got scared watching a marilyn manson video??? What a buncha pussies
@@AmigoAmpzI remember that movie or he would torture girls
@@joenunez2844 yeah. He would stitch their eyes and mouth shut
I was at a Catholic Church Carnival in Reseda,CA years ago and these kids had got a gig by the rides and they did a spot on version of this track... The Priests did not look happy and it was hysterical!
Good !
I really have no idea why Catholic people are so judgmental about music.. My family’s the same way.. They don’t even listen to any of the lyrics and they just listen to the music and THINK it’s bad .. I am 55 and still blast my music!!!
@@LayneStaley-vs4th the wonders of religion, restricts ways of life that hurt absolutely nobody whatsoeber. Thank secularism for giving us freedom
The 90s Nu Metal guitar tone is so good sounding, the perfect crunch guitar tone.
grunge as well, nu metal and grunge are similar in a lot of ways.
I think RATM on their self-titled album had the best guitar tone. Second best goes to Killswitch Engage on their 2000s albums.
I recently posted my new track "Disorder" in style of Nu Metal like Korn band sound in the 90s. Please rateвидео.html
@@Encomia-Soundtrack no. I don't think I will.
Steph Carpenter of Deftones has the perfect numetal tone, not too sloppy, not too crispy, hella crunchy
I remember this song getting regular air play on the radio when it came out. I can NEVER picture something this heavy ever doing that again lol. I miss those times.
Dude, Dez can make any band sound original. His work in Coal Chamber is bad ass, but the sound he gives Devil Driver is downright epic in my book. He is really underrated as a lead singer with a unique style and sound.
1.618 of Allegaeon and Cherokee Letters ᏆᏌᎦᏒᏯᎳᏝ
Original is not a word I would use to describe this band...the vocals are a blatant rip off of Wayne Static, and the rest of the music is a blatant rip off of Korn and early Deftones.
@@MrFreeGman hahahahahhahhahahhhahahh yikes man
@Scott MacNeil Their first album was released in 97. They only got record deals because of aforementioned bands making the sound popular.
He can write some corny lyrics from time to time though
Vocals like Static-X, Guitars like Mudvayne, Bass like Korn, Drums like Slipknot. It's perfect
best comment ever
voice like dope too
Meh its korn till slipknotwith the lead singer
I've always liked this style of bass sound, always sounded so cool!
the bass player in mudvayne was the coolest bassist EVER
This video contains footage of how they actually tested the Nintendo Virtual Boy Game System on consumers in the 90's. Results were mixed
They were probably quite loco
Dude!!! I remember going to the mall with my parents, I was maybe 10-12 years old and all I wanted was the virtual boy, and they actually had a demo set up, and I remember being so angry that it sucked so hard cause my parents were actually going to buy it. I ended up getting a table hockey game instead. That thing kicked ass..
That thing gave me a migraine after 1 hour of play
@@zrmojo ikr
I’m 42, been a metalhead since the early 90,s. Decided to actually watch the Sopranos and Tony’s son is wearing a Coal Chamber shirt. I immediately remembered this Album and am beyond stoked!!
The sopranos kids had super good taste in music, that was a cool thing about the show
4 things for a late 90s music video:
1) Fisheye lens
2) Creepy shots of the band rolling their eyes
3) A handful of clips played 1.5x faster than other clips
4) Fishnet and/or makeup and/or piercings
Cannot forget the gigantic 50s microphone
This is a perfect comment and I really can't add anything to it.
Don't forget dreadlocks
Fisheye the most
Except for this video is from 2009
I love how the guy in this music video is just overly enthusiastically showing the band their own music video, like he just finished the final edit and is really pleased with it.
Considering that was Ozzy a crucial part of Roadrunner Records, it may actually be the meaning behind the video
@@joshnorris8970 that was really ozzy? i always wondered about that, thought he looked familiar, but also thought he looked a little young even for the time this came out. thanks for the confirmation, at least i know now lol.
@@MyXyle666 yeap its ozzy
I like this interpretation
The idea is that they are not the band....The guy is running up on them in their normal lives and he is forcing and sporadically showing them and they are now seeing themselves within the video. They are all being consumed by what he is showing them. Towards the end of the video he actually holds them hostage, tied up and held captive. Not to get all technical but that is the concept of the video.
It’s crazy to see how much Dez has grown, but how he still carries the same intensity and passion in his voice
Broh i was saying the same the other day, true hard working vocalist right there, he never gave up on his music
Well said..
He sounds like a Swedish progressive metal singer, back then he sounded like a crazy ass nu-metal and progressive metal singer
It's kinda cool seeing everyone talking about being a teenager in the 90s and listening to this and stuff as a teenager myself. maybe I'll be all like "back in my day" like everyone in this comment section is one day
The clip is about a metalhead who tries to get his friends into metal by showing them RUclips music videos of his favorite songs.
_Relatable af_
This is relatable af! Hahaha I still try getting my husband into the bands I like.... But he's into Bob Segar and shit... I married an old man apparently!
@@christinalawrence2992 I can kind of relate to your husband a bit. (not into Bob Seger) My taste in music has definitely gotten a lot weirder. Coal Chamber, System of a Down, Linkin Park, Maximum the Hormone (I still listen to them) into Kaleo, Mondo Grosso (Labyrinth), Drop's, city pop.
Space Sheep I don’t have friends because everyone at my school says no cap and likes nba youngboy and other shitty no talent SoundCloud rappers. And I’m a metalhead till I die.
nice one
Also "mi loco" sounds a bit like "mleko", which means milk in polish and my dad was very confused about why they are singing about milk so agressivly lol
Could be that they just really, really like milk.
Milk 💋
@@DrZaius75 Milk means weed in this particular case
Little Wendigo.....funny story!!! My mom. GOD REST HER SOUL. she used to hear some of the songs i used to listen to and didn't quite hear the words just right and wonder, why are they singing about that. Thank you for your comment. Brought back a lot of cool memories for me.
Prodigy. Baby got a temper.
Got to see Coal Chamber 3 times while I was in high school, once was at an Ozzfest and once they were opening for Pantera, a concert which also featured Anthrax, and Megadeth. Coal Chamber was remarkably great, even being surrounded by such outstanding talent, and they filled the place with energy while tearing the roof off the place. Excellent memories of this bar setting metal underdog.
The only song I like is Loco.
Ozzfest here such a great time for music!
@@joeflores5691 The band that Dez is in now? DevilDriver, it's way fucking heavy than this shit.
Nice, I saw them with Pantera and Anthrax in El Paso TX
@@axllomein7215oh I'm from El Paso Texas
1. Its amazes me how after all those years still almost nobody notices that Ozzy Osbourne is the ice cream man.
2. Its so cool that till this day this band still comes together every few years to play this song. Never that predictable ´´I´m not that person anymore´´ crap. Just shamelessly celebrating the good old times.
3. Back than i used to and still forever will have the hots for 1990´s Rayna
This is the most Numetal thing I’ve ever seen.
you haven't seen much then :)
looks wise though, I agree, sound wise, there is much more nu metal sounding bands
This is the band that created the mold that Numetal became. They are the creators of the entire genre, so yea, it is Numetal, 5+ years before it was even a thing.
@@Gyledresch KoRn started everything no?
@@Gyledresch lol thats cute
Coal Chamber came before static-x and started around the same time as KoRn and way before slipknot. For the people who keep comparing them to slipknot they don't sound the same tbh
It's just the main riff sounds a bit like Before I Forget by Slipknot.
Before I forget sounds like this riff...
Invisus I think Before I Forget's riff was inspired from this. After all, Slipknot did start off doing Nu Metal
I get it. Coal Chamber must be your favorite band. It just so happens i like Slipknot alot, Slipknot started in 1995 with a semi-different lineup. Static started one year after Coal Chamber so they didnt start way before just in a matter of 2 years. Coal Chamber is also in the same range of Slipknot, Korn, and Static so personally i compare them in sound. Alot of people would agree with me on this as well.
EvilBedCreepies 13 I just meant the song came out first lol, I love Slipknot way more.
When he said "siltoshtokfopghaif"
I felt that 😔👊
UM ACTUALLY HE SAID "Steam Roller Sjdhd. Ah jd sjjss youre in my lighta" 😎
It's actually steamroller rollin through my head said attached to loco powerup coal through system to the right said your in my light lockdown the generator on man screw down use the system use the main plan don't fuck with me loco mi loco mi loco mi loco mi loco lockdown here latch the generator on screw the system full power
The Lord Rules.
lols A kid made a kid joke one time. Everyone cares.
Hadn't heard this song in probably 15 years or so. Out of nowhere I started imitating the chorus. Couldn't remember where or what it was from. Just hit me.
Now I'm here.
*I saw them in '99 with I.C.P., Biohazard, and Gwar. Me and my buddy were standing still, staring at the bass player, and I swear to God she saw us, and smiled at us. And then we both noticed and looked at each other at the same time. I'll never forget that.*
I first saw them n 1998 with Pantera anthrax and pump jack and a few other local bands in Houston Texas I saw this guy walking out of the bus an drink a beer with him an he ask what bands I'm going for I told him I like an anthrax and Pantera then he ask me have you ever heard of Coal Chamber I told him no then he says stick around and we part ways and turn to find out it was the lead singer for Coal Chamber hell yeah and that bass player she was something else
HAHAHAH epicus :D
FaceRip 2001 with static x
FaceRip I was staring at her at our show. She was hot
I miss when Metal Bands were weird and heavily inspired by 70s and 80s horror movies.
Not sure if you'd like them, but Ice Nine Kills has an album called the Silver Scream focused on 80's horror films. They're not like KoRn or Coal Chamber, but I like them. :)
70s and 80s horror flicks were inspired by bands like Black Sabbath and Alice Cooper.... and I miss those bands.
I was still in México and black Sabbath was to perform in San Luis potosi ,but concert was cancelled because of the diabolical meaning of the songs 😜😜😜,iron maiden, Metallica purple deep ,and even Billy idol sounds still hahahaha was name was charrocker because daytime I listen regional music but at night with my buddies we play all kind of rock , heavy metal too Charro-Rocker 😂😂
Mostly vanillas nowadays is sucks
this was my grandma's favorite song we played it at her funeral and two weeks after her passing, miss you grandma
Are you for real?? XD
My niece would only stop crying if she heard this or slipknot.
Your grandma is all our grandma now.
She used to have this song on repeat when she was riding my kock… man I sure miss her too 😂
First metal song as a 2010 kid I was introduced to by my dad, 13 years later I'm now 19 and still listening to it
Man this tune gets me pumped. Dig this band. 20 years later still kills
keep getting this suggested to me, today is the day I listen, it's badass
I was fortunate to be a teenager in this wonderful era!
In 8th grade…My buddy got sent home from school just for wearing the CC shirt with the 4 band members faces on it…i once got sent home for wearing 50 inch Jncos…what a time to be a kid! I could fit my Saxon Algebra book in the back pocket of my “LA Convict Wide Legs”. But, fuck were they heavy
me too!!! 🤘 gotta cover this!
Listening to this in 2023, and i still absolotely love this track, one of the songs best ever!!!!
Dez is forever one of the best metal vocalists. DevilDriver and Coal Chamber are beastly
Yea I think he's gotten better over the years too. Devil driver made him change it up a little
I saw them in 96 or 97 in Cleveland. Powerman 5000 was supposed to open and were replaced by this band I had never heard of. I was blown away by Dezs energy and so were my ear drums almost quite literally by his inane screams. One if the best performances I've seen.
The only Coal Chamber song I listen to non-stop
DireWOLF -F big truck is another you may like, among others.
Big truck as well
Ne avevo 13 anni quando ascoltavo tutta questa meravigliosa musica, ora ne ho 43 e continuo ad ascoltare queste canzoni!!!!!!! Que splendidi anni!!!!
I want to thank my dad for letting me listen to these songs at the ripe age of 4, made me into the woman I am today 😩😂
Bless your father
Well, you can't possibly be single. That would be an impossibility. 😉
From the sounds of it he did a great job 👏🏻 🧐
@@ian1635 weirdo
now all you people from the 90's growing up with this kind of music, dont forget to CONTINUE the legacy of this music with your kids! 🤘🤘🤘
I was 17 and head banging to this shit before and after school. Little did I know those were the best days of my life. I still am a metal head at 44. Sometimes its songs like this that when listened to at a high volume is better than any therapy or counseling any day!! Rock on!!😛😜😝
Saw these guys in 1998 I think at first Ozz-Fest in Anderson Indiana. Awesome show and I was 13. Best day ever. Coal chamber soulfly fear factory… set me up for an excellent teenage ride.
A guilty pleasure track from my teenage years, I don't listen to a lot of Coal Chamber nowadays but it's good to revisit it
Hey look! It's those virtual reality headsets we've all been waiting for!
hahaha - exactly what I was thinking watching this
Man…….I remember seeing these guys so many times in my teenage days in the late 90s at small clubs and large festivals. Seems like yesterday. Still as great now as it was then.
Bro showed me this song and thankfully he did because its so fire
Love the studio version, but the live version is next level. They're an amazing band live.
I watched this video back in the day on MTV, recorded on my VHS, and still watching today, thanks to youtube. Love it!
Coal + Chamber = Coal Chamber
Essa eu não sabia!
O lolicon Inocente
Esse nome
quick maths
that makes a lot of sense
Few bands downtunned their instruments that low back in the day (downtunning was more common than never before but not that much). Hits really deep.
Coal Chamber deserves more recognition.
They don't sound like Korn, they have their own unique sound in my opinion! :(
Well, the bass does sound similar.
They do sound like korn. The voice not so much so.
id say korn, static x, mudvayne and coal chamber are in the same range of sounds
In terms of music, yea they take heavy influence from Korn, but with vocals, yea unique. But still a killer song
My high school jam! This came out when I was 15! It's a classic.
Where’s my 90’s kids at in 2019?
I'm thirteen
@@briadencashman7111 I'm 20
Right here, my dude. Coal Chamber sucked back then, too. Peace out
Classic 90s music video. Ahhh good times man
bruh as much as i love the era we’re in rn... i would literally give anything + my left nut just to grow up with bands like slipknot and coal chamber fr
I love this song. It may be older but its still heavy AF
System of a down was about to explode and Korn was already blowing up around this time. Godsmack was doing great at this time also. Miss the good old days forsure.
Saw them 4 times between 98-2000 and met them once. Their shows were feral, chaotic and so much fun back then!
The thing I love most about this song is the feeling I get! How the hell does this song give me a sense of nostalgia ?! I didn't live that time, and they are absolutely not part of my childhood! it's fucking amazing!!!
that's exactly how I feel listening to most of late 90's early 2000's Nu Metal
It was fun at the time. Maybe you’re just awesome and were born in the wrong era!
I remember the days when music like this was mostly seen as normal. Times have changed...
The real era of metal that will never die....not taking anything away from the 80s with slayer and sepultura etc but this era will never ever be forgotten 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻
The PULL! will never get old
13 seconds in I already love this band
You seriously new to this band? Daium, this used to be the shit ealy 2000's, I miss those times. Check out Evil Driver too, really similar ealy on, it's vocalist's band after Coal Chamber, don't know how it sounds today tho.
sadly yes and now I am listening to devil driver and it's good
Be welcome! Last time I've heard Devil Driver it sounded so different I didn't like it :(
Check out Mushroom Head, Sepultra, Mudvayne, and My fave Rammstein :)
A message to the future generations... don't let this masterpiece song die
Remember cranking this album out as a teen. Drove my parents mad, ha! Through the haze of teen angst, weed and beer ive just realised Nirvana Scoff 'tribute' at 2:12 😉🤘🏻
I hate it when the milk man misbehaves like this
una de mis bandas favoritas de la adolescencia
Anyone Still Playing This Masterpiece In 2025?.
And my teenager soul still thinks the ice cream man is Ozzy xD
Un clásico loco , woooooouu 🔥🎸🇨🇱.
El clasico...messi>>>cr7
Viva chilee
My aunt is the reason i got into coal chamber. I remember listening to this cd in her car. My dad gave me a box full of his cd's in the mid 90s and that made me a fan of alice in chains and metallica. No other kids in my middle school were fans or even knew of coal chamber until i told a few of my buddys to check them out. I remember my friend Craig whos since passed away listening to loco on my sony walkman and almost instantly he was jamming out. I could tell by the look on his face while wearing my headphones he loved the band. Man i really miss those days when we would introduce each other to cool new bands and we would be super stoked when one of those bands would put out a new cd. It was magical peeling the wrap off a new album and putting it in the cd player for the first time. Strange as it may sound, i remember the particular smell a new cd had when peeling it open. Does anyone else know what im talking about?? Man the 90s was a great time to be a music fan.
Pensar que eu era traumatizado por conta desse clipe hauahauaha
Hah! I get it.
Bawitda bah duh banga duh chipotle
Just came from that video :)
You made my night.
Still jamming out with my clam.out to this in 2020🖤🤟
I like your style lady
Fk yaaaaaaa haahhahahahahahah
O mizzz Hollywood soooo finnnneeeeee
@@mizzhollyw00d51 omg.youre awesome
BEEN LOOKING FOR THIS SOOONG FOR OVER A DECADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! timeless tune that never left me from my teenage years
from Turkey with love baby, year 2019 and still here!
Found this by accident. Forgot all about this and others like Sepultura. I have minor brain damage, so there are a few years that are hidden from my consciousness. However, just hearing the introduction brought it all back!! I remember almost all the words, even!!! I think I found a new way to try and reconnect to those missing years! Now I have to start sampling rando music on the Tube
@Vengeance * everything. I like Beethoven and Skinny Puppy. I'm a Juggalette and a Technician, lol. I like almost everything on Hypo Luxa/Hermes Pan and Wax Trax. I found Lead into Gold's "Faster than Light and Harder" I can't remember where I heard it, but I know the words, lol.
@Vengeance * wow
Einsturzende Naubauten, I have Tabula Rasa
Coil, I have multiple cd's amd my favorite songs are Windowpane and Anal Staircase
Kraftwerk, I have The Bog
Type O Negative, saw them in concert with Pantera. Man, that was a story! Fucking legend.
KMFDM, own most of their cd's.
Fear Factory, I have a few of their CD's.
Man, I have cd's in my multiple cases I don't remember. I have 2 or 3 Voivods, but, nothing. Next weekend I will have to pull them out amd play them.
MAN do I ever miss 90s metal
Can't believe that teenage me used to listen to this song to fall asleep back in the 90s...
Ahhhh... the good old days
ligo esse som no ultimo volume as 3 da madrugada só pra deixar meus vizinhos LOCO hehehehe
For the longest time my local record shop couldnt get me their album when I tried to order it. Then when i enlisted in the army i found it at the sandhill PX ok fort Benning.....weird how life turns out lol
"hey you guys, you sound exactly like Korn. how about do something original?"
"but...but...we're GOTH!!"
Judging by the comments, i'm the only person who really loves this band...
I like it too
I was born into nu-metal (mid 90s) and became a huge fan of KoRn. But I do also listen to Coal chamber, Snot, Slipknot, ect. It's a shame that this generation of ''metal'' has been polluted with bands like Atilla and Bring Me To Whatever They're Called. They remind me of boy bands who try too hard to be like KoRn and Coal Chamber. Their songs are meanless, they romaticizse about self-harm or just moan about how hard life is being a youth and having relationships. Nu-Metal is still around, but the band members ar'nt getting any younger... I just wish that more bands emerge like the ones in the mid 90s. Bands that are heavy and have meaningful lyrics. But hey, that's just my stoopid opinion.
+The Perfect Magician Of Doom its a good your not alwon
Great band
Count me in :)
Turned 43 yesterday can't believe I'm going to see this and mudvayne on valentines day in Brisbane Australia in 24... just fire
Prayers that Rayna is safe wherever she may be. 🙏 ❤
Wait what
she was found back in january
Classic, it’s a classic!
I still have the VHS video they gave away when you bought the debut album at blockbuster music its been played over milli times and still works perfect...still in its orig. case...such a prized item to this day... I was so into cc ....they are the reason im on this quest of making music my life .....
I'm 53, been listening to rock and metal since 1978 and bands like coal chamber I still listen to every day. Me grow up and be mature?, no f*cking chance!!!.
Growing old is unavoidable 👍 growing up now that's a different story 🤘🤘🤘 and I'm 51 this year 🤘🤘
2024 listeners??
Hellz yeah
Been listening to this daily for like a month lmao
Right here and tripping balls
When i was a 90s kid, something always freaked me out about these guys, moreso than Manson, Reznor, Zombie, or really anyone else to whom I'd as yet been exposed. I don't know if it was the aggression, the energy, or just the mystery of who they are, but the imagery from 90s Chamber takes the cake as far as teenage me is concerned. Unique group.
My jam back in the 90's when i was a teen
Haha still mine loco still
90s.....teen? Bwahahahah 90s..21...Soundgarden, STB, and Ozzy, "No More Tears"...selling 420 and back then, you could sign a log book 1x every two months for Narcotic Robotussin/Tunnsinex. That stuff suppressed a cough until I got out of community college.
Помню в 2008, страдал депрессией,так ходил по даче ,под травкои и слушал этот альбом в плеере на полную,,,,помогало
Anyone else think that the bassist is fine af?
Hell yeah she is
She did the same thing to me on a ghost hunt once
Nathan The Initiation Seriously?
Mate, that thought is at least 20 years too late.
The scream in the beginning before the breakdown makes the song that much better.
"Me love KoRn
Me love KoRn
Me love KoRn"
Someone get this man Korn!
+David Vokel Haha spot on!
+David Vokel lol
+David Vokel Yeah I get you, this band should have named themselves Korn Chamber, that would have made much more sense xD
+Israel Johnnatan they were a band in the same year as Korn 1994 they just didn't become popular until 1997
This band is 1,000% pure concentrated Hot Topic.
Tyler London hot topic circa 1997 lol
Is that the case, or was the image they had used by Hot Topic? Chicken or the egg?
I lived in Spain when this came out, so no idea what was going on here, but I enjoyed them and there image immensely, including White Zombie they were the reason I dressed as I did when I was a kid, as ridiculous as it seems not. But I wonder if they saw Hot Topic, or if Hot Topic saw them?
they were before hot topic
Tyler London idk I feel hot topic is more Asking Alexandria, Pierce the Veil, Sleeping with Sirens, yknow bands that want to be metal but really aren’t.
Not even close
Anyone else here.was also just sitting around an out of no where
Remembered Coal Chamber...i haven't thought about them in years...I forgot how awesome they are..ahhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@Zuhair Haris o shit I haven't thought about them in years I'm on a heavy metal Binge.......ahhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhh whahhhhhhhhhhhhh oooooo ah ah ah ah ahhh
Man, I was the same way. I got nostalgic about a month ago. Fir is t thing that came to my mind was static x, then boom oh hell! Coal chamber!!!! Yes!!!!
Masta Don..... itoo just remembered this band and this song. I am 66 years old and it brought back a lot of good memories. Like when i would sit and smoke out with my son and scream out LooooooooooCoooooooooo. Cool times.
I like only recently found Coal Chamber but this guy has some of the coolest vocals I've ever heard
Que recuerdos 🤘
I love how nobody gets that the milk guy is literally Ozzy.
@Nate Williams it is him. literally.
Nate Williams it is tho-
They don't get it because he's not. He is in their video for their cover of Shock the Monkey
@@nick5591 it's also him here
I stand corrected. It is him!
I won my high school talent show for singing this a few years back, due to popular demand the school asked me to perform the song as a guest at the following annual talent show event.Its my dads proudest moment of me.💙🤘😎🤙
Loco changed my life!FOR THE BEST
@Kylo Varian True that bro! If your keen check out my band on my channel.No big production, but the tracks are dope... 🤘😎 HEAD from KoRn has our music, but we havent heard back from him yet, probs busy as fuck on tour.
Gosh id be a nervous wreck, proud of ya
@@carterkiser5225 Thanks very much.
that’s friggen dope as hell man, I’m proud of you myself 🤘🏼🔥 your loco bro 🤘🏼
Idk why this just popped in my head but I had this album when I was 13 but had never saw the video, saw coal chamber in concert even... now I'm 38 and just now watched it. 13 year old me would have lost his mind 😂