Andronicus Ry is a jackass and deserves to be beaten...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I fuckin' hate that guy. :mad: Evidently I missed a similar thread, but I felt like it needed to be recreated properly. Feel free to insult and berate me at your leisure (lightheartedly of course). And I promise to return the favor. It's open season on me. Clearly, I dish it out more than I get it, so now you get to vent. Let me have it... (ooh, that sounded dirrrrrty)

Keep it under control, or GSB will probably borrow my ban hammer. All in good fun, folks. There's a chance I might get banned too though. Oh well. You wouldn't miss me anyway, right? :tongue:
Alright, I might as well paraphrase my own posts from the last thread:

He needs my penis in his tight but willing ass.

Then I said something about how faggy wrestling fans are....

Damn retarded mods, my posts were far better in the other thread. I demand them back NAO!!!

So yeah, fuck you Andronicus.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Alright, I might as well paraphrase my own posts from the last thread:

Then I said something about how faggy wrestling fans are....

Damn retarded mods, my posts were far better in the other thread. I demand them back NAO!!!

So yeah, fuck you Andronicus.

Not your best material. Seriously. I honestly expected more out of you. I feel like you let the team down today. Good ending though, very well put. I especially liked the part where you put the "you" after the "fuck." Yeah, good times...

Ace Bandage

The one and only.

You're still bitter, aren't you? It's okay, I know you have more to say. Here, I'll set you up: he believes in Jesus...

Lolz :1orglaugh
work drugs
What in the fuckin' french toast is that about? :dunno:

Shut up you will never be the man your mother is :tongue:

Awesome. Rep for that.

EDIT: After I spread it out first. Well, that or learn how to manipulate the system. I'll work on the latter...
A poem:

Andronicus enjoys my man meat.
He likes me from behind.
I find him repugnant, he makes me puke.
He's such a twat, toilets everywhere call for his head.

(it's free-form, I guess)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
A poem:

Andronicus enjoys my man meat.
He likes me from behind.
I find him repugnant, he makes me puke.
He's such a twat, toilets everywhere call for his head.

(it's free-form, I guess)

What, you couldn't rhyme? You aren't Cummings. Try harder next time, douche!


I don't like you Androgynous. I don't like the fact that I have to spellcheck every word I type or else get a lecture on proper grammer. You remind me of a really mean teacher I used to have. Also, I hate your smug little signature that you change every 4 days (actually I am jealous because they are totally awesome).
if you have a problem with A-Ry then i guess you have a problem with me too cus for some reason we have clicked and been cool and A-ry has helped me threw a rough time in my life .
he just likes to have fun and says what he wants and when he wants thats called freedom of speech my great grandpa died so he has the right to do it.
on that note yes he is a big jackass but i like him anyway

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
This is why I said what I did In the other thread; that you yourself would have voted yes to having your ass kicked because you are a master jokesmith, and you know how to take as well as give. I think an Andronicus Ry's greatest hits thread should be started but I'll leave that up to your manager.:hatsoff:

And apparently that would be The Bear.
A new poem:

Andronicus Ry is a fucking tit.
Most of his posts are full of bull shit.
His face should make a splash in a toilet.
Even with crap in the bowl, his face would soil it.
He's such a bastard, I'm about to order a hit.