How Much Do You Love Animals?

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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I love animals to an extreme amount. I have 2 kitties now and I know my wife thinks I love those little orange stinkers too much. They're brother and sister littermates and I got them at 9 weeks old from a shelter. I love cats and dogs equally and have had a number of great cats and dogs.

If there is a movie or TV show where an animal dies I may not be able to rewatch it. I feel like a bad person sometimes for being a Horror mega-fan feeling almost nothing or even laughing when people die.

I worked years of security where I dealt with a lot of unpleasant people and situations. Animals ended up being my escape. Animals are pure and innocent and I enjoy being in their world for awhile.

I am not a vegetarian or vegan though.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Most of the time I would rather spend time with an animal, then most humans. I have 2 rescue cats, and they're getting up there in age, and I've had to put down 4 already over the years, but Sam is gonna kill me, when his time comes. I love all animals, and the wife and I whole heartedly agree, if we hit a nice size lotto, we would start a foundation. I just want a huge farm, where old animals can hang out, and live quietly, and comfortably until their time comes.

I would love to have a dog too, but our yard isn't fenced in, and I feel that's mandatory, if you have a dog. Constant chaining, and leashing a dog, makes them mean.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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I use my backyard as a feeding place for animals. There are stray cats, raccoons, skunks, and squirrels. The consistent food over the years has given them a feeling of security keeping their bellies full and them peaceful.
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Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I use my backyard as a feeding place for animals. There are stray cats, raccoons, skunks, and squirrels. The consistent food over the years has given them a feeling of security keeping their bellies full and them peaceful.
My neighbor has a motion censor light in their backyard, and I always look when it goes off. Most of the time it's just a cat making its way through the yards, or a skunk waddling through. Wed. evening it went off as I was going to bed, and I watch what had to bee a 200lb. buck mosey through my yard without a care in the world. I couldn't count the points, but it had to be at least an 8 pointer. It was alone, and I know it's part of a pack that I see around here. This is what he might of been looking for, or maybe already tired of.
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Like everyone else so far in this thread, I prefer my currently five cats and one dog to people. It's soul destroying when one of them gets too old and sick, every single time. I'm sure it's somewhat amusing seeing a rather intimidating (according to brother's oldest friend) man blubbing over losing a cat to old age or illness, but it still hurts and I hope it will always hurt.
Most of my cats are rescues too. My special old lady was handed to me as a teeny, tiny kitten and the latest two were kicked out by their owners.

I also have some wildlife that I feed, I throw some meat out for the local foxes and up until this years bonfire night (think idiots firing off concussion shells for four weeks, for those not from the UK), you could time when they'd arrive and sit outside patiently staring a my window. I also feed an old feral cat, who after many years trusts me enough to come close and get some head scratches.

Lastly, I usually get a laugh out of the crazy, invasive American Squirrels hanging from trees or running across the building walls. Crazy, but fun little animals.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
The thing about people who aren't animal lovers is, they don't understand what love really is. An animal loves you, because you love it. It doesn't care if you're poor or rich, fat or skinny, pretty or ugly, All it knows is you love it, so it loves you, and it's unconditional love.
I surely like animals more than Humans. We are down to one little 6 pound cat(age 6 so that is it) Both of our dogs have passed, one this past year. I still miss them but our medical situation precludes our getting another. Luckily our daughters have a plethora of cats and dogs so we can live vicariously through them.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
I love animals to an extreme amount. I have 2 kitties now and I know my wife thinks I love those little orange stinkers too much. They're brother and sister littermates and I got them at 9 weeks old from a shelter. I love cats and dogs equally and have had a number of great cats and dogs.

If there is a movie or TV show where an animal dies I may not be able to rewatch it. I feel like a bad person sometimes for being a Horror mega-fan feeling almost nothing or even laughing when people die.

I worked years of security where I dealt with a lot of unpleasant people and situations. Animals ended up being my escape. Animals are pure and innocent and I enjoy being in their world for awhile.

I am not a vegetarian or vegan though.
So basically you’re Tony Soprano? :)

My neighbor has a motion censor light in their backyard, and I always look when it goes off. Most of the time it's just a cat making its way through the yards, or a skunk waddling through. Wed. evening it went off as I was going to bed, and I watch what had to bee a 200lb. buck mosey through my yard without a care in the world. I couldn't count the points, but it had to be at least an 8 pointer. It was alone, and I know it's part of a pack that I see around here. This is what he might of been looking for, or maybe already tired of.
I spent some time growing up in the mountains, and remember waking up every morning to deer and elk just munching on the trees outside of the window. While it's cool, you also had to balance it with all the organic landmines.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Yeah, well I don't cut my lawn, and the guy that does is on a riding mower, but I have seen a present or 2 over the last decade. Considering how urban of an area I live in, I have a pretty good selection coming around. I don't live far from a few national park areas. that are pretty large acre wise. I had about 7 to 9 bunnies earlier this year bouncing around vying for the love of a couple of girl bunnies. I even walked out of my front door one summer morning at about 5:40 am, and found a coyote lounging in my front yard. He stood there for a minute, eyeing me up, and trotted off up the street. I usually get packs of deer. That pick was all I could get of the 4 that were there. Right now is deer season so the males may still be in the rut. If so, they aren't the friendliest creatures around, and it's also why this is the time of year you see so many dead ones in the road. They smell that female, in estrus, and bolt across hi-ways without any other thought, then mating. I also have some miserable little chipmunks that like to chew on shit under my truck...little fuckers gnawed through my emergency brake cable.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Yeah, well I don't cut my lawn, and the guy that does is on a riding mower, but I have seen a present or 2 over the last decade. Considering how urban of an area I live in, I have a pretty good selection coming around. I don't live far from a few national park areas. that are pretty large acre wise. I had about 7 to 9 bunnies earlier this year bouncing around vying for the love of a couple of girl bunnies. I even walked out of my front door one summer morning at about 5:40 am, and found a coyote lounging in my front yard. He stood there for a minute, eyeing me up, and trotted off up the street. I usually get packs of deer. That pick was all I could get of the 4 that were there. Right now is deer season so the males may still be in the rut. If so, they aren't the friendliest creatures around, and it's also why this is the time of year you see so many dead ones in the road. They smell that female, in estrus, and bolt across hi-ways without any other thought, then mating. I also have some miserable little chipmunks that like to chew on shit under my truck...little fuckers gnawed through my emergency brake cable.
We had two foxes stuck together in the back yard a few years back. It was funny to watch them trying to get 'unstuck'.

Like you, we get groups of deer passing through. They like to lounge in our backyard, munch on the junipers, and shit themselves. Watching the bucks and does dance during mating season is entertaining.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
We had two foxes stuck together in the back yard a few years back. It was funny to watch them trying to get 'unstuck'.

Like you, we get groups of deer passing through. They like to lounge in our backyard, munch on the junipers, and shit themselves. Watching the bucks and does dance during mating season is entertaining.
But it's also the reason I never really liked riding in Oct. There were always some decent days, but you better stay the hell away from the state, and metro parks, because when A buck gets that whiff of pussy, he'll charge across a 6 lane freeway to get to it. I had a friend hit a big deer a couple of decades ago, he was in the hospital for a couple of weeks. I almost hit a fawn lagging behind the herd. He was only about the size of a German Shepard, but it wouldn't have been pleasant. I've never seen fox around here, I would like to though, they are cute....I've heard they're stinky little bastards though. The coyote in my front yard was cool though. He stood there a minute, trying to decide if he was in danger, and when he took off up the road, I followed and was looking in the yards as I drove by, but here the damn thing was walking right in the middle of the sidewalk just as natural as could be. Like he knew that was where he should be walking.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Big time cat person. Have 6 rescues girls right now. One of my weaknesses is my super soft spot for all animals.

We need more fellas in the world who love cats. Cats are good in that you have tons of fun with them but almost no work. Just feed them and make sure they have a clean toilet then enjoy the rest. I can go away for the weekend and leave the two littermates together with an extra bowl of food and water. Nice and easy.