
Swapping Couples 2

Sorti à: 18 juillet 2013 de Totally Tasteless
Doe-si-doe, swing your partner and give swapping a go! Switch 'em up and throw 'em down - couples who swap have the most fun in town! This isn't an actual square dance song, but it's true; couples who swap tend to be very happy overall. This is most likely due to the fact that one of the most important aspects of life are kept interesting - sexuality.

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Location de streaming de 2 jours
Streaming à vie
24 vues
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Scène1: 00:00:29 - 00:30:04 (29:35)

Scène2: 00:30:04 - 01:19:17 (49:13)

Scène3: 01:19:17 - 01:35:59 (16:42)