
Boss, The

Released at: September 3, 2022 by Penthouse
Most bosses can be real pricks and stop you from enjoying your work day. I think it is time we take back the power, as employees and show our bosses that we won't stand for their crap anymore. The best way I know how to shut a boss up, stick a dick in their mouth, or grab a dildo and give it to her real good. I am sure that next time you get called into your boss's office, it won't be to get yelled at.

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Scene1: 00:01:28 - 00:14:07 (12:39)

Scene2: 00:14:08 - 00:28:04 (13:56)

Scene3: 00:28:06 - 00:47:37 (19:31)

Scene4: 00:47:38 - 01:03:31 (15:53)

Scene5: 01:03:34 - 01:20:57 (17:23)