
My New Caregiver

Uitgebracht om: 18 december 2019 bij Desert Wind Studios
Olivia answered an ad to be a caregiver for an older person. The old man was surprised when he answered the door and saw how hot the new girl was. He has a hard time keeping caregivers because he can not keep his hands off the girls. This time is no different. He did pretty good during his interview with the girl although she did have to push his hands away a few times. The next day in the kitchen he gets a little action and then later in the living room he is all over her. He convinces her that she should help him into his pj's in the bedroom. One thing leads to another and she is soon sucking on his soft, tiny cock. After she cums with the vibrator she found in his bedroom he oils up her ass cheeks and shoots a load of hot cum on her ass. He thinks she is a keeper.

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