
My Lesbian Girlfriend

Uitgebracht om: 25 februari 2019 bij Pussy Babes
100% lesbian! No dick needed with My Lesbian Girlfriend. These gals are not only exquisite, they have a soft touch and a talented tongue that would send anyone, including the gay-curious, straight to hedonistic heaven. They out Mr Darcy and indulge in their own version of '50 Shades' as three lovelies break out the silk ties and blindfold. Even without the props, these Pussy Babes indulge their libertine lifestyle with face grinding, finger cuffing and lecherous labia licking. Over 100 minutes of luscious lesbian action!

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Scene1: 00:00:07 - 00:30:21 (30:14)

Scene2: 00:30:24 - 01:00:08 (29:44)

Scene3: 01:00:12 - 01:15:11 (14:59)

Scene4: 01:15:13 - 01:43:53 (28:40)