
Rent - Sana Fey Vs. Coral Sands

Released at: November 22, 2011 by Tiger Eye Video
It all started with a dispute over the rent money. And once fists began to fly, not even those muscle-bound, face-painted freaks of professional wrestling could top this vicious boob battle! In one corner you have the lean mean fighting machine weighting in at 110 lbs Sana. And in the other corner the nastiest bitch on the block weighting in at 112 lbs Coral. For the millions watching around the world...LET'S GET READY FOR A CATFIGHT!

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2 Day Streaming Rental
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Scene1: 00:01:00 - 00:04:30 (3:30)

Scene2: 00:04:35 - 00:07:24 (2:49)

Scene3: 00:07:30 - 00:17:01 (9:31)

Scene4: 00:17:02 - 00:31:32 (14:30)