
The Real-Estate Agents

Released at: March 12, 2021 by Vlaanderens Vuilste Films
Alexis has had a house for sale/rent for some time, to speed things up she has engaged 3 real estate agents. However, these appear to screen potential tenants/buyers very thoroughly. Real estate agent, Hugo takes Kitty in hand while her boyfriend can watch, real estate agent Jenna has more eye for Jimmy's hard pole than for the laminate, and the very young Romy knows how to get her customers exactly where she wants them.

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Scene1: 00:01:02 - 00:26:52 (25:50)

Scene2: 00:26:58 - 00:52:55 (25:57)

Scene3: 00:53:02 - 01:14:41 (21:39)