*2020 US Presidential Elections* - Candidates, Statistics, Campaign Timelines, Debates

Well, you got your hopes, I got mine. Plus: Trump got president through the electoral college, not by the actual votes. Carry on.
Americans are not Europeans, America will never ever be a socialist country.
He is not conservative for sure.He was an Obama devotee and Obama's vice president right?

Socialism vs Capitalism is about the economy
Progressivism vs Conservativism is about society
Any combination is possible
Biden's going to drop out, throwing all of his support behind Hillary, who will swoop in like the hero, well-choreographed. Notice how she's out of sight, of late. She's going to have to pick a running mate that addresses her weaknesses (dead inside, despises most of the American people, rich and privileged Northerner with all the charm of a proctological exam), so the temptation has got to be there for them to ask Cuomo (he addresses most of those things, but isn't enough to top the ticket), but in the end it's likely going to be a Hispanic male from the South or West. The Hillary ticket will poll well at first, only to lose again. Because nothing can stop it:

"Good morning, President Trump, and congratulations and godspeed on your next 4 years in the White House."



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Bronze Member
Now the world is facing an US president which has to be lie-checked and fact-checked on social media, because he has zero selfcontrol.

And, of course, like a true dictator would act, we see it in Russia, Turkey, China, North Korea...

The reaction is not, "I will look after the truth of my words"... no, it's:

I will make them close shop, if they don't transport my lies unfiltered.
While Joe Biden Is Mute On Seattle Anarchists, He Reportedly Compared Tea Partiers To Terrorists In 2011

Biden Troubles Deepen: Bribe To Stop Probe Of Son’s Ukraine Job Intercepted


Leftists Claim They Want Revolution, But They Underestimate The Conservative Majority


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Leftists Claim They Want Revolution, But They Underestimate The Conservative Majority
Leftists have a habit of ignoring the conservatives, just like the far-right ignores liberals. They both ignore the 'silent majority' who just want reasonably functioning governments and a peaceful and just society. There are a lot of conservative-leaning moderates (e.g. me) who are uncomfortable with either nominee. Trump/Clinton and Trump/Biden are symptoms of a much larger problem - the polarization of the masses and an unwillingness to compromise. Who has the political courage to break the divide instead of pandering?

Ronald Reagan in 1983:
I’m not retreating an inch from where I was. But I also recognize this: There are some people who would have you so stand on principle that if you don’t get all that you’ve asked for from the legislature, why, you jump off the cliff with the flag flying.​
I have always figured that a half a loaf is better than none, and I know that in the democratic process you’re not going to always get everything you want.​

We have had political and economic divides throughout history and today is no different. The Antebellum/Civil War/Reconstruction Era was rough. The Gilded Age (~1880-1905) saw similar capital v labor arguments occurring. The government often took sides (well, one side in particular) and the industries were mines, railroads, and steel.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Trump, PhD continues his rewriting of history: "I made Juneteenth very famous"

He's also making SCOTUS famous:
From the article:
  • The court found that LGBT Americans enjoy workplace protections under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act and that Trump had overstepped his authority in attempting to end the DACA immigration program by executive order.
  • Trump tweeted: "If given the opportunity, I will only choose from this list, as in the past, a Conservative Supreme Court Justice... "
  • Trump thinks SCOTUS works for him? "Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?"
Is Trump saying that one of his appointees (Gorsuch who wrote the Title VII decision) was not conservative? What a terrible thing to give people rights.

Where's Roger Taney when you need him? [I doubt Trump knows of him or his infamous Dred Scott opinion.]
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Bronze Member
The Trump campaign, not a surprise, is keeping on its path deeper into the pits of unacceptable behaviour. Making an ad using a symbol almost identical to those used in Nazi concentration camps for inmates.

It is good to see Facebook is finally putting their foot down on such things.

Well the guy's a total piece of shit. His testimony during the impeachment would have really helped the nation, but he kept his mouth shut so he wouldn't hurt his book sales. He's a true republican.
Bolton has really touched a few nerves in DC. He's pissed off Trump AND Pelosi. That cannot be easy.
Pissing-off Trump is super-easy, all you need to do is to say he's better than everyone about everything. If you'd tell him h'es not as good at basket-ball than James Harden, he would have a temper tantrum about you saying that. Then, once you got Trump mad, all you have to do is to have Pelozzi mad too, which wontbe as easy at getting Trump mad but still not that difficult. Mentionning the Squad and Bernie would help, I guess...

So, pissing-off both Trump and Pelozzi, not that difficult.


Nattering Nabob of Negativism
Pissing-off Trump is super-easy, all you need to do is to say he's better than everyone about everything. If you'd tell him h'es not as good at basket-ball than James Harden, he would have a temper tantrum about you saying that. Then, once you got Trump mad, all you have to do is to have Pelozzi mad too, which wontbe as easy at getting Trump mad but still not that difficult. Mentionning the Squad and Bernie would help, I guess...

So, pissing-off both Trump and Pelozzi, not that difficult.
Thanks for clarifying. I stand corrected. 🖕