I will def. read it.But dont get offended if I dont respond.I like to listen,read,pay attn.But I am bad at returning long emails,etc.U kno I am blunt.
@Neesa: u r extremely attractive woman not only for the reason u look pretty but also considering the fact that u r also smart one... i respect u...
people get off on a lot of weird things... as long as there is consent and free will, and without affecting others, i guess anything is ok... we just dont need to bother abt it...
I get off on the usual "women being tied up" but also biting and scratching and if I can ever find it, blood, but in a specific way really.
i do definitely sense an undercurrent in my friend's comment but i do have to say even sadomachisim is fine as along as {plz note this} there is CONSENT AND FREE WILL from both actors involved in point is simple.. the existence of consent and freewill {which are not vitiated by coercion or undue influence} is the most important thing.. everything which falls within those parameters are fine but outside them should be something looked down upon..