Hi "Glacier",whose that by the way? I mean,how did u get the name? ANyways,of course there r those that will disagree w me on any topic.
I am controversal,not afraid of offending ppl,+ opinionated.. frankly,I can be a bit of a cunt sometimes.
Through therapy..we are working on self help rituals such as..meditation,breathing techniques,and books to relax my mind and body.If u r a MJ fan,u will b offended by my post.Sometimes when I have a long post,I write a draft on my email first.SO I don't always type it all in one sitting.
I am o.k. w u assuming I am on hard drugs.How typical,I am a stripper,former porn actress who is fucked up in the head.Of course U must b right!
I happen to be on an anti-depressant and a tranquilizer in which I take 2 times a day.I would call those hard drugs.SOme ppl consider prescription drugs/anti depressants..Hard drugs.I agree.But,I take them anyway.It keeps me from killing ppl that piss me off.Hahahah.Plus I have an excuse in life..I have said in the past..Fucking w me..Legally..Is like fucking w a retard.
We are,"Mentally challenged"."Plead insanity in court".blah blah.Ppl like me support the Gov't and buy their drugs.They love us.Thats why they cant illegalize them.Thats why there is "No Cure for AIDS".The gov't makes too much $ off of selling meds to the patients to offer a cure.
Bcause someone types a long post,doesn't mean they are on drugs.In this case.U r correct.Lamictal and Klonopin.They are strong,and they alter the mind.The fact that u took time out of your day to read my post,then reply.Makes me smile.Now u can either get offended,and talk about my prescrition drug issue.Or u can play nice and enjoy my nudies on my profile

However,never assume,that bcause someone is opinionated,passionate about a subject,bitter...Is on drugs.
This x u r right,but the next person may not be on anti depressants.
Difference btwn me and the other porn "STars" on here..I am funny,sarcastic,dont kiss ass,dont try to sell anything but the truth.ANd I am attentive to those on this board.I post almost everyday.The only board I post on.
We don't kno if u r on drugs.O.K. sweet cheeks? Be nice.ANd Thanks for posting,I hope to see more of u on here.U can see more of my drug induced blogs on
Excuse me while I grab my crack pipe.

Hopefully u have a sense of humor.