The cake is...

Will E Worm

PirateKing :tongue:

Dont forget the little picture underneath your username... or the sig.... There is definate cakeage going on there.

Oh well... there was curiosity... but if you want to keep it between you and your cakes... hey, who am I to judge? :dunno:

What a man does to his cakes in the privacy of his own board account is up to him.

It's a cupcake not a cake. There's a difference.

Do not judge the :cupcake:
Ok Ok Ok. For some of us true geeks, the "Cakes is a lie" phrase comes from a great little game by valve called "Portal". Too long to explain the whole principal and story of the game, but basically the true enemey is trying to win you over by offering you a birthday cake. There is graffitti ever where in the game saying "the cake is a lie".