The fight against ISIS


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Republicans need to shut the fuck up about anything to do with foreign policy, and can certainly stick their criticism of President Obama right up their ass.

Oh what a difference a year makes. The world of politics is a snap judgment and foreign policy is a cautionary tale of making foolish mistakes before having all the right information.

We’ve seen a good number of Republicans quick to blame or criticize President Obama for ISIS and the complicated situation in Syria. But here’s a helpful reminder that Republicans really don’t know what they’re doing. I give you former Republican presidential nominee and current US Senator John McCain advocating that we arm the “rebels… the freedom fighters…” aka ISIS to fight Assad in Syria and criticizes President Obama for not arming ISIS sooner:

He didn’t just say it once to Fox News, as Rachel Maddow points out John McCain’s position has always been “blah blah blah… arm the rebels.”
I like the approach Obama is taking here - letting the locals fight on the ground with the assistance of U.S. special forces and air support. If that works out, it's the best option long term. Syria's Assad, who Obama was committed to overthrow, turns out will be our most effective ally.

And when this is all over, the Kurds deserve some major kickbacks from Washington. Other than little satan (Israel), they've been our most staunchest ally in the region.

It is how the United States defeated the Taliban. They provided the Northern Alliance the air power with limited troops by US as the Northern Alliance did all the heavy lifting to take Kabul.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Islamic State continues the baiting. RIP David Haines
Isis video claims to show beheading of British hostage David Haines

British hostage David Haines, captured in Syria a year ago, apparently beheaded in video released by Isis

Islamic State (Isis) militants have released a video showing the apparent beheading of a British hostage, David Haines.

Site, an intelligence group, which was the first to report Steven Sotloff’s beheading, confirmed the video’s release.

In the video, entitled A Message to America’s Allies, a masked man is shown carrying out the beheading of Haines, whose life had earlier been threatened in a video showing the murder of American journalist Steven Sotloff. Sotloff’s killing followed a threat on his life made in a video showing the beheading of another US journalist, James Foley.

The British Foreign Office has said it is aware of the video and “working urgently to verify” its content.

Haines, who was 44, was kidnapped last year. He had been in Syria for just three days when he was kidnapped and handed over to Islamic State (Isis) militants.

The murder comes one day after the Haines’ family released a statement urging his captors to contact them.

The aid worker was taken while working for Acted in Syria in March 2013.

More details soon ...


David Haines, 44, was kidnapped last year in Syria Photograph

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Steven Sotloff Was Sold To ISIS By 'Moderate' Rebels, Family Spokesman Tells CNN

The Huffington Post | By Ed Mazza

Steven Sotloff, the American journalist murdered by Islamic State militants last week, was sold to the terrorist organization by supposedly moderate rebels in Syria, a family spokesman told CNN on Monday night.

"For the first time, we can say Steven was sold at the border. Steven's name was on a list that he had been responsible for the bombing of a hospital," Barak Barfi said on "Anderson Cooper 360." "This was false, activists spread his name around."

"We believe that these so-called moderate rebels that people want our administration to support, one of them sold him probably for something between $25,000 and $50,000 to ISIS, and that was the reason he was captured," Barfi told Cooper.

Barfi credited "sources on the ground" for providing the information, including details of the capture.

"Somebody at the border crossing made a phone call to ISIS and they set up a fake checkpoint with many people and Steven and his people that he went in with could not escape," he said.

Barfi also described relations between the Sotloff family and the Obama administration as "strained," and railed against what he called "inaccurate statements" put out by the U.S. government.

"We know that the intelligence community and the White House are enmeshed in a larger game of bureaucratic infighting and Jim and Steve are pawns in this game and that's not fair and if there continues to be leaks the Sotloff family will have to speak out to set the record straight," he said.

"Jim" refers to James Foley, an American photojournalist also murdered by Islamic State militants. Islamic State is sometimes referred to as ISIS or ISIL.

Both Foley and Sotloff were beheaded by the terrorists, who released videos of the killings online.

See the full interview in the clip above.


Little Red Wagon Repairman

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US-Backed Moderate Group In Syria Signs Truce With ISIS: Reports
By Alessandria
on September 12 2014 6:36 PM

Moderate and Islamist rebel groups in a Damascus suburb in Syria signed a “non-aggression” agreement with the Islamic State (ISIS), a Syrian monitoring group said. Some of the brigades are part of the U.S.-backed Syrian Revolutionary Front but have now agreed to a truce in Hajar al-Assad with ISIS in order to take down Syrian President Bashar Assad, according to the Agence-France Press. The shifting alliances highlight the challenge faced by the Obama administration in its fight against ISIS in Syria: Even moderates supported by the U.S. can't be relied on to help battle the terrorist group.

"The two parties will respect a truce until a final solution is found and they promise not to attack each other because they consider the principal enemy to be the Nussayri regime," the U.K-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported. (Nussayri is the pejorative term used for Assad’s Alawite regime.)

The non-aggression pact came days after President Barack Obama announced his strategy to attack the militant group formerly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “wherever they are.” The president said the U.S. would lead an international coalition in an air campaign against Islamic State strongholds in Syria as well as asking Congress for additional funding to train and arm moderate rebels on the ground.

"We must strengthen the opposition as the best counterweight to extremists like ISIL, while pursuing the political solution necessary to solve Syria's crisis once and for all," Obama said on Wednesday.

The Observatory did not immediately confirm which group had signed the agreement, but many reports said it was a group that belonged to Western-backed Supreme Military Council (SMC) of the Free Syrian Army -- in other words, the moderate rebels.

The moderate rebels are a group of brigades that fall under Syrian National Coalition, of which the Free Syrian Army is a member. The group's main goal is to take down the Assad regime. In some regions of Syria, ISIS has impeded the rebels’ ability to fight against regime forces, which would make ISIS their enemy as well. The Assad regime is a far more important enemy than ISIS or al Qaeda, the FSA reportedly said in a statement released on YouTube.

“The priority is the regime,” Ziad Obeid, the moderate rebel commander in Aleppo, told the New York Times Thursday over Skype. “But it is ISIS that is preventing any progress on the ground, so we have to get rid of it, too.”

Alliances have changed drastically over the course of Syria’s more than three year long civil war. At the beginning, the lines between rebels and regime forces were fairly clear, and ISIS was squarely on the rebel side. Later, moderate groups began clashing with extremist rebel groups, and when al Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, disowned ISIS, the militant group was left with very few allies.

When ISIS began making significant gains in the country and eventually expanded into Iraq, regime forces looked the other way, if only because the two now shared an enemy: the moderates. Yet once ISIS declared itself a Caliphate under the name Islamic State, many of those anti-Assad moderates began to pledge allegiance to them or other extremist groups.

Earlier this week three leaders of the al Qaeda linked Ahrar al-Sham Brigade were killed in an attack. On Thursday the group named Abu Jaber it new leader. Jaber had previously fought along two rebel groups, Al Fajr Islamic Movement and the Musab Bin Umayr Battalion, which used to be part of the FSA and later defected to the Islamic Front, an umbrella group of extremist brigades not associated with the moderate FSA, according to the Long War Journal.

The Dawood Brigade in Al-Bab Syria is another example of the quickly shifting allegiances. It used to be part of the Free Syrian Army. But it recently defected to ISIS and reportedly gave a hostage, U.S. journalist James Foley, to the militants as a token of its loyalty.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

Those three links highlight several important points. First, that the Middle East is a dangerous fucking place, I commend these journalists for their bravery in chasing the story, but they know the inherent danger that comes with the job. No fucking way would I be over there unless I was part of a U.S. military operation group. Second, that there are no clear distinctions, allegiances, or safe zones, you can't trust anyone over there. And third, that this is really a regional conflict that the United States has no real allies in. I stand by my previous assessment, that the only way to defeat ISIS and the rest of the bad guys is to commit to total war in that region, not whatever this bullshit is that we've been doing for the last ten years, but to mobilize with air strikes, armor, and boots on the ground, a good old fashioned World War II style occupation of the region, but that's not going to happen, I said fuck Bush because of it and I'll damn Obama the same way.
It's not racism, it's islamophobia. In case you don't know, not all "arabic" people are muslims and not all muslims are "arabic". Indeed the contry that has the most muslims is Indonesia. Indonesia + Pakistan + India + Bangladesh = half of the world's muslim population.
The iranians are persians. But there are two dangerous trends in Islam, Wahabism and Salafism, both are dangerous. They both spread hate and murder, the green Peril as it has been described before is spreading in Europe. Lot of converted muslims go join the Djihadists in Syria and Iraq for later preparing attacks on the European soil.If we don't stop them now or don't kill them, we will be lost.
The iranians are persians. But there are two dangerous trends in Islam, Wahabism and Salafism, both are dangerous. They both spread hate and murder, the green Peril as it has been described before is spreading in Europe. Lot of converted muslims go join the Djihadists in Syria and Iraq for later preparing attacks on the European soil.If we don't stop them now or don't kill them, we will be lost.
Exactly but these trends represent a minority of muslims. They are dangerous because they are radicals, not because they are muslims.
All what's radical is dangerous, whatever what they are radical on.
Free Syrian Army Won’t Join US Anti-ISIS Coalition

They'll Still Keep Taking US Money and Arms, However

Col. Riad Assad, the leader of the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) rebel, has announced that his group will not join the anti-ISIS coalition the US is assembling, nor will they participate in attacks on ISIS.

Col. Assad insisted that the rebel group’s chief goal is to conquer Syria and oust President Bashar Assad (no relation). He complained the anti-ISIS coalition did not make regime change in Syria its goal.

The Obama Administration has made much of its intention to throw more money and weaponry at the FSA and other “vetted, moderate” Syrian rebels as part of the anti-ISIS strategy, and has pushed Congress to bankroll a plan to train them to fight ISIS.

Even though the FSA isn’t on board with fighting ISIS, Col. Assad did say his group would be happy to keep taking US money and weapons.

The US arms to the FSA and other “vetted, moderate” rebels have been controversial because so many of those weapons have wound up in the hands of ISIS anyhow. The FSA has also been facing growing defections of their fighters into ISIS.

This war is the worst idea since the Iraq War...

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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Agreed. Who the Hell are we to order these people to turn their guns away from Assad and toward who we want thinned-out for positive political poll results in America? Our politics are supposed to dominate their existence and culture? We're so arrogant we'd assume they'd get with the program overnight. Assad must be laughing at us turning the two sides against each other.

Just quit negotiating put some serious high octane ordinance all over them and move on. Don't need to train anyone don't. Need to equip anyone just bomb all of Isis positions flat and let nature take it course.

Little Red Wagon Repairman

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God damn. John Kerry. Ramble. Ramble. Ramble. I think Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer makes a better Secretary Of State than Frankenstein Monster Diplomat. Like Boris Karloff on Quaaludes out there. Jaysus! Maybe Blondage can save the day.


God damn. John Kerry. Ramble. Ramble. Ramble. I think Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer makes a better Secretary Of State than Frankenstein Monster Diplomat.


Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer reference :thumbsup:

What does he know? He's just a caveman. Though he would have some insight on the Stone Age, which is where ISIS needs to be bombed back to or out of.


Pucker Up Butter Cup.
The jokes on everyone else because these people are all buddies who fuck the rest of the world in the ass. They're all in a room together right now sipping champagne and laughing.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I loather hearing Dear Leader and Frankenkerry speak on this matter and their insistence upon using "ISIL" instead of "ISIS." The "L" in "ISIL" stands for Levant, which is the area running from Turkey to Jordan and includes Israel. In hearing these douche nozzles proclaim an acronym only they and members of the lapdog media use further lends credence to the belief that Dear Leader and his Politburo have chosen the side of Hamas.

And then there's this:

From Soopermexican:

Marco Rubio so incisively criticized John Kerry’s policy in dealing with ISIS during congressional testimony that he could only respond with a two word answer, “ISIS first.” The petulant answer was an attempt to ignore Rubio’s assertion that dealing with ISIS means we can’t ignore Assad targeting “moderate rebels” in Syria, a clear and blatant shortcoming in Obama’s plan.