True AMATEUR girls who have sex in PARTYHARDCORE !?

Girl from party 56




Not buying that she's an amateur. Sorry. Did consider her but far too ready to get fucked early on.

You don't need to sorry.:)

I have some doubts about her, but she look amateur, at least.

Also, this blond gay ( don't know his name ) was most successful in fucking amateur girls, for some reason they like him more then other actors, and some of them can't say no to him.

From which party is that girl ?


You mentioned on another thread that you think there is 2 amateurs from last party ( party GC 9 ) ?

My picks are those 2 girls :

You don't need to sorry.:)

I have some doubts about her, but she look amateur, at least.

Also, this blond gay ( don't know his name ) was most successful in fucking amateur girls, for some reason they like him more then other actors, and some of them can't say no to him.

Denis Reed is his name.
One of the more recent amateur HC hotties. She's been flirting since the opening games (check the DVD version). At last they fuck, in the end he doesn't even bother with the condom:

then there's this hottie. Visited a lot of parties round 2009-2011. always trying to seduce the elephant-guy, but there's always something/someone blocking her. finally she settled for Ales :)



Closed Account
Why bring her up in this topic? She's not an amateur nor does she do hc. She has her own thread and all has been Said about her

Not sure who you're referring to, the latest girl in blue top?
Didn't know there was a separate thread for her?
But why not discuss her? I believe she did do hc and if she's amateur or not is purely a definition on if she was amateur prior to showing up in PH and then continued doing it as a pro, right?
Not sure who you're referring to, the latest girl in blue top?
Didn't know there was a separate thread for her?
But why not discuss her? I believe she did do hc and if she's amateur or not is purely a definition on if she was amateur prior to showing up in PH and then continued doing it as a pro, right? Post here all about her. Read the entire thread if you want :) I can reveal she does not get fucked :) Case closed. Now only fucked amateurs here please :) Follow me sonny, I'll show you the right way:

This is definitely an amateur. She wears the yellow ribbon, while all the other h/c girls wear an orange. She visited 2 parties, in her second party she gets extremely drunk & fucks.

This girl is from party 79, i don't think she planed to fuck before party, but it happened. She was fucked on stage by stripper from brazil.




