Why do I get flak for not being attracted to White girls?

yea, I will learn to be true to myself and not date or marry a white girl

No complaints here. I don't have a problem with people who only date inside their own race. I had a conversation on here some while back and asked something along the lines that if you go to a dating site/forum and you are white and your preferrence is "white only" that in no way suggests that you are a racist, but the fucker said it was. I just don't get it. It seems like it's the white folks that are the only ones singled out if they are race exclusive, yet I really believe that trend is so much more prevelant in places like the Asian community.

Whatever you like, knock yourself out.


Closed Account
Yea that is what tipped me in the direction to thinking it is okay. I mean so many White people get to exclusively date and marry other Whites, why can't I enjoy the privilege of dating and marrying who I like lol.
Seriously? This thread has gone 5 pages?? It's a dead end topic that keeps going in circles.

Dude, Revamp, you know perfectly well that you're not expecting some real, scientific answer. You just wanted attention, and to complain that people were mean to you, so you asked a dead-end question.
"Why do I get flak for not being attracted to white girls?"

What kind of answer would you expect from that? It's really quite simple:
Because some people are ignorant dicks, and you care more about what they think than you should (and before you say "I don't care what others think" - Yes you obviously do, since you have a thread about it. Otherwise you would say 'fuck it' and 'fuck them' and move on because their opinions don't matter. But instead, everything has to be race-race-race).
If you try to dig any deeper into it then you're not going to find anything.

"Look I just find it wrong that a White girl can say "I don't do sand ******s" or "sorry, I don't like Mexicans or Asians" and when I say "I am not into White girls" I get called close minded and racist!?"

Wow. What a load of crap. You're saying that white people get away with saying the things that you say, or are accused of saying? Bullshit. White people are the last ones to get away with these things. Black people get away with it way more than anyone.


Why save the world, when you can rule it?
You people are the ones with issues, I don't care I just felt like I needed to discuss this.

You seem to treat White women like goddesses, do that but keep your goddesses. I am not attracted to White girls point blank period, and there is nothing you can do to change it, call me a retard or a racist. I would much rather be ignorant and racist than to buy into some politically correct communist crap.
Communist? Fuck this, you're going on ignore; I don't suffer people like you gladly.
I recently posted that I was generally not attracted to White girls and I received 2 hate messages for it. Not only online but also in real life. I have seen White guys say so many times that they are not into Black girls and everyone said "it is just a preference". When people ask me what type of girls I like I say "Latinas and Asian girls mainly", one girl asked me saying "What about White women?", I say "nah no attraction".

The girl ends up calling me a racist and people say "I didn't know such people still existed". I mean come on! It is okay for them to say they aren't attracted to Black girls but if I say I am not attracted to White girls I get flak for it?

Physical attraction isn't there for me but on top of that I also notice White girls are so open about their preferences. Tons have said "I won't date no Mexican or sand ******". Well I have no issue with it but why is it an issue if I say I won't date or marry a White girl? Or even screw one.

Don't I have a right to have a preference too?

Unless you're very good looking, I doubt 99% of white chicks care that you don't like them. Especially seeing Indian (and perhaps Indian-American) guys usually don't end up too highly on dating preferences for White women who don't exclusively date White men.

It seems like hispanic (white hispanic and mestizo) pacific islander and native american are the number 1, 2 and 3 choices for women who list something other than just white.
It seems like hispanic (white hispanic and mestizo) pacific islander and native american are the number 1, 2 and 3 choices for women who list something other than just white.

That's interesting because it seems the overwhelming preference I've seen from women inclined to date interracial is overwhelmingly black. In the US and world wide.:dunno:

Not that this is scientific but I suspect if you wen to every interracial dating site for example and looked at white women interested in something other than white men..the overwhelming majority will be looking for a black or mixed guy...

I mean, it's not something for you and I to debate I guess (or I wouldn't really get into a back and forth debate about it) as anyone can do that simple sample test to find out themselves...:dunno:


Closed Account
Unless you're very good looking, I doubt 99% of white chicks care that you don't like them. Especially seeing Indian (and perhaps Indian-American) guys usually don't end up too highly on dating preferences for White women who don't exclusively date White men.

It seems like hispanic (white hispanic and mestizo) pacific islander and native american are the number 1, 2 and 3 choices for women who list something other than just white.

You are really gonna have to get your head out of those dating site surveys, if you go by them then Asian males are more desirable to White girls than Black males. And believe me, White women may marry a White man but you best believe they do that they want to try as many flavors as they can.

Heck, I used to be sad that I was attracted to Latinas and Asian girls, why? They either exclusively went for their own race or they were whitewashed to the extent they only went for Whites.

Hispanic, Pacific Islander and Native American? Funny story, when people look at me they assume I am either one of those groups.


Closed Account
That's interesting because it seems the overwhelming preference I've seen from women inclined to date interracial is overwhelmingly black. In the US and world wide.:dunno:

Not that this is scientific but I suspect if you wen to every interracial dating site for example and looked at white women interested in something other than white men..the overwhelming majority will be looking for a black or mixed guy...

I mean, it's not something for you and I to debate I guess (or I wouldn't really get into a back and forth debate about it) as anyone can do that simple sample test to find out themselves...:dunno:

Dating sites are not accurate representations of anything at all. I heard that OkCupid put Indian guys on the bottom of the list when it came to getting with women. Did some search into it, posted my pic on there and I had four messages from ladies (if you want, I can put up the pics of myself and you guys can judge me).

Went on the forums on there and asked what was up with the survey putting Indian dudes on the bottom. What did I come up with? Over 20 answerers said the issue was with creepy guys sitting in Delhi and sending women messages about how they want to "sex them up".

Dating sites don't represent the real world at all in any way what so ever because their statistics are limited and skewed.
Dating sites are not accurate representations of anything at all. I heard that OkCupid put Indian guys on the bottom of the list when it came to getting with women. Did some search into it, posted my pic on there and I had four messages from ladies (if you want, I can put up the pics of myself and you guys can judge me).

Went on the forums on there and asked what was up with the survey putting Indian dudes on the bottom. What did I come up with? Over 20 answerers said the issue was with creepy guys sitting in Delhi and sending women messages about how they want to "sex them up".

Dating sites don't represent the real world at all in any way what so ever because their statistics are limited and skewed.

I'm not going by any statistics, etc. What I'm suggesting is at most mainstream sites that specialize in interracial dating or have selections where race can be selected...of the white women inclined to choose other than white...the majority's choice seems to be black.:2 cents:


Closed Account
I'm not going by any statistics, etc. What I'm suggesting is at most mainstream sites that specialize in interracial dating or have selections where race can be selected...of the white women inclined to choose other than white...the majority's choice seems to be black.:2 cents:

Yea I agree with that. It is either Black or Hispanic but in most cases it is Black.

I just disagree with the guy when he said Pacific Islander and other groups.
Yea I agree with that. It is either Black or Hispanic but in most cases it is Black.

I just disagree with the guy when he said Pacific Islander and other groups.

I know...I didn't really understand that one either.