à propos de Jade Feng

Jade Feng is une porn star from China. She is listed on FreeOnes since October 18th 2003 and is currently ranked #17745. She currently has 1 gallery links and 5 videos in her own FreeOnes section. Our records show that Jade Feng is currently retired which means she is no longer working in her listed profession.


6 ans

in the business


Renseignements personnels


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Information additionnelle

Looking like a life-sized Chinese doll, Jade Feng's huge titties spill up and out over her tight, Asian-patterned bustier. She wears Chinese fingernail guards from the 19th century, a sign of royalty in Chinese culture. Noble women wore these to cover and protect their nails and had servants do their bidding.

Dernières vidéos porno de Jade Feng

Titres de vidéo à la demande avec Jade Feng

Dernières galeries de photos Jade Feng

Derniers liens pornographiques Jade Feng