Di Tammy Lynn Sytch

Tammy Lynn Sytch is un sportiva from United States. She is listed on FreeOnes since September 18th 2003 and is currently ranked #11192. Our records show that Tammy Lynn Sytch is currently active which means she is still making movies, doing live shows and/or doing photo shoots.

Bio completato


33 anni

in the business


Informazione personale


Passa a Imperiale (pollici, libbre ecc.)

Informazioni aggiuntive

Tamara Lynn Sytch (born December 7, 1972) is an American professional wrestling manager, personality and occasional wrestler. She achieved her greatest success as Sunny for the World Wrestling Federation during the 1990s, and is widely considered as one of the first Divas.She also performed under her own name in Extreme Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling and Ring of Honor.

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