Get ready to spend a lot of time on this site if you subscribe to it - there are over 1500 photo galleries and around 650 videos on this site, and they update several times a day! It will keep you busy! The presentation of the site is very good indeed and it was really impressive to see how much effort they have put into being able to find specific types of girls and content. The categories are absolutely excellent and the full index of models is also extremely good. This is quite simply one of the best presented sites that I have seen perhaps all year.
The videos here are treated with a great array of download options with different types of .WMV and .MP4 on offer for PC and handheld devices, and with high resolution versions that play at 1280x720px. The streaming videos play at 768x432px in Flash Player. Only full length videos can be accessed here, there are not shorter clip videos. All of the photo galleries here come with three or four different size options for their photos, the highest quality of which are sized at 3000x2000px, and all of which are available for ZIP download.
There are a number of remarkable facts about We Are which help to contribute to its outstanding quality. For a start, the fact that it has only been around for about 2 years and managed to collect such an enormous collection of content is remarkable in itself, but even more remarkable when you consider that it is all exclusive and that this is an independent site. No big money backing here - it really is a fantastic achievement.
But what I think its crowning achievement happens to be is that it, for me, is easily one of the best two hairy women sites you will see. It is streets ahead of almost all the competition, covering a plethora of niches and genres along the way with all new and amateur models shot by experienced and knowledgeable photographers. Fans of hairy and natural women could not reasonably expect more from this site. It really is an amazing effort.