
Wild Embrace (French)

Released at: July 10, 2017 by Alpha-France
Yves and Madeleine begin to have problems of couple. He is a teacher and wants children. She is a photographer-reporter and does not want to be a prisoner of family life. A solid script, borrowed from sexual perversity and masochism, with melodramatic connotation makes this film a masterpiece of the kind appreciated by a crowd of enthusiastic spectators who ovated it when it was released on August 17, 1977 in theaters ALPHA-FRANCE. Yves et Madeleine commencent avoir des problmes de couple. Lui est professeur et veut des enfants. Elle est photographe-reporter et ne veut pas tre prisonnire dune vie familiale. Un scnario solide, emprunt de perversit sexuelle et de masochisme, connotation mlodramatique fait de ce film un chef-duvre du genre apprci par une foule de spectateurs enthousiastes qui lont ovationn lors de sa sortie le 17 Aot 1977 dans les salles ALPHA-FRANCE.

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Scene1: 00:00:01 - 00:14:18 (14:17)

Scene2: 00:14:19 - 00:23:51 (9:32)

Scene3: 00:23:52 - 00:37:59 (14:07)

Scene4: 00:38:00 - 00:50:12 (12:12)

Scene5: 00:50:13 - 00:57:58 (7:45)

Scene6: 00:57:59 - 01:13:35 (15:36)