Curves (and not just "boobs") in the mainstream ...
First off, I guess I shouldn't have presented it as just "boobs." Although I would strongly argue there are more African American and Anglo African women of "hourglass" forms -- which tends to make their hips and bust expand with weight more than others -- than the typical Anglo American or other, European decent.
Secondly, as I used
Queen Latifah as an example, she's not the ultimate, most busty African American on TV. She's just very full, very wide and I love those types of curves. I want an hourglass figure, and they are no where to be found most of the time in a celebrity. The rare time they are, it's often on an African American woman or -- better yet -- that "white woman black men want."
Yo! This white boy wants some of that too! Hell, some of my fellow white boys (and girls) are "bothered" by a brother wanting a full, white babe? Dude, those are my friends far more than others, because they understand me and what I like better!

As a booblover I have to say I really don't care what the color of the woman is as long as she has a pretty face and I love her tits.
There is certainly something to be said about oversized, massive, floppy breasts.
I'll fully admit it -- I had one African American lover, hourglass and shapely -- that I just totally lost it in minutes pumping between her massive, well beyond F-cup, flesh.
I was so selfish and all over those, it's safe to say that I didn't "last long" -- no matter how hard I tried to stay intimate and pace my focus -- once I started that action.
Other people want the bust when they are having intercourse to.
For me, I completely avoided intercourse for safe sex reasons (largely), although it's a good pair of fanging hips on an hourglass lovely that gets me.
In all honesty, I'm glad that babe and I didn't last -- I honestly think I wouldn't have been able to resist those perfect hips, thighs and ass -- and I would have lost it one time and just dipped it in.
And God forbid when you do dip it in -- and her curves are so fine -- your hands are debating whether they want to clasp her hips or her bust.
Luckily you have two hands, although she's still got a total of four (4) breasts and hip handles.
I won't hi-jack this thread to somewhere else, but I like this comment.

I am not a boob lover myself (b-cup is great for me). But when I go through big boob threads and read what true booblovers wrote, I am always surprised to find that to all of them (I never read one guy saying the contrary) race, color, language, etc... are absolutely irrelevant and pointless. All barriers are down. They like the girl, whatever, that's all.
Does it proove that the industry doesn't discriminate in that particular category, I don't know ... but more important to me it shows that customers and fans don't and that is good news and nice to read and know. We all have lessons to take from you.:bowdown:
Booblovers are showing us the way. Seems like ' boobloving ' is the first (and only) true universal love:hatsoff:
Total. That and curves, the breasts don't always need to be large. But most of the time, because we prefer apple or hourglass shaped women, and not pear/spoon or straight shaped, the "boobs" are the bonus -- especially on the wider, fuller figure. It goes into their bust or bust and hips, and not just the hips.
I agree. However, I would consider the "busty" category to be more of a niche in the porn world, as opposed to the norm. That's not to say anything against the "busty" girls, but when people think of porn, they normally dont think of the girls from the busty category... they think of girls like Jenna.
Well, it's mainstream enough for me.
Halle Berry is among the top echelon of Hollywood actresses and ALL black actresses (despite being of lighter complexion)... yet there are NO girls in the top echelon of porn that are even remotely like Halle Berry (at least none that I know of). Even in the fashion industry, which is often heavily favorable towards whites (I mean, look at who is on the cover of nearly every fashion magazine), you still have top echelon black girls like Naomi Campbell, Tyra Banks, Iman, etc, etc... But in porn there are absolutely no black actresses that are on that level.
But don't forget all the fan-fare that
Tocarra Jones garnered!
I would hit that in a second (if I wasn't married) -- wow!
With the men in Hollywood there are a number of black actors in the top echelon that are equal and even above their white male counterparts. So perhaps Hollywood has been more accepting of black males than of black females. And we also see black male performers in porn that I would consider to be in the upper echelon of the industry, but they all tend to fit right into the mold of the big black "monster" guy with a huge cock, etc. that the industry (or whoever else) has designed for them... and they are never really seen on the same level as their white counterparts.
But among even men,
Don Cheadle is one of my favorite actors, and he never gets a lead role, always supportive.
Unless, of course, it's something like
Hotel Rowanda.
You get more "action" and "motherfucker" types like
Samuel L. Jackson (who is an outstanding actor, don't get me wrong, drama/Shakespear and everything).
Could I please get some less "hood" action and more "real," African American films?
Sorry, I don't agree Hollywood, it's not the viewership, its you.
If you'd stop catering to 25% of the market, you'd find you'd get more viewership.