
Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
I stated "nothing really to do with porn"--did You miss that?--
Yes, I did miss that. My mistake. But this thread is about "racism in porn". Other topics aren't of much relevance to the thread IMO.

I included the link for the Center for Disease Control.I think the statistics speak for themselves.This is an American/World problem.HIV/AIDS has no racism in it's suffering.IT IS A HUMAN PROBLEM.I have NO judgement on this.If You scroll down in the link,it has stats for drug users homosexuals..etc.--I have no idea what "income levels" has to do with this problem?I have no idea that education/(A Harvard graduate) has some immunity from this disease.
Because disease and poverty are very much tied in together. People living in poverty are more likely to be exposed to certain diseases and risk factors. Rich people are often better educated. Education is important because educated individuals know how to protect themselves from disease and avoid certain risk factors. If you don't know, then you continue to share needles and have unprotected anal sex with everyone... because you don't know any better.

We are all Humans..I simply presented the facts.It is a HUMAN problem.You ask "where were these positive cases reported for each race?'--In the USA...look at the link!--Am I against Floridians,New Yorkers,Californians?---NO--HELL No--I am pointing out the problem from the CDC website.---Research the problem instead of saying "those statistics don't mean much to Me".--That attitude let's people die while You ignore it.Problems do not go away if You ignore them.More people die and the problem gets worse.
Yes, it's a human problem... but your post gave me the impression that you were backing up the stance that it was a "racial" problem. If I misinterpreted your post, then I apologize. But I stand by my views when I say those stats don't mean anything in regards to AIDS being a "racial" problem.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Here is the answer to that question.From the Center for Disease Control.Also bear in mind that the Black population borders around 12 or 13 percent of total population.These are the stats and facts.Just do some research and You will find the same results.Jesse Jackson and the "self appointed" leaders of the African American community should be doing more about this problem to save people and less time padding their own bank accounts,in My opinion.A crisis in the Black community is at hand.-Nothing really to do with porn,just the general American population.Here is the link www.cdc.gov/hiv/topics/surveillance/basic.htm#aidsrace As You can see by the chart for cumulative and 2005 stats,it is getting worse in the Black community-(and remember,African Americans are a small percentage of the population,so the relative numbers should be quite low compared to Whites,but they are higher.Shame on Jesse Jackson,Al Sharpton,etc.for not bringing attention to this suffering among Black Americans.)Where is a leader like Martin Luther King Jr.that would preach,,(Yes Preach) responsibility and stop the cycle?
I retract my previous statement. You responded to my post with evidence with the intent of reaffirming that this IS in fact a "racial" problem. Don't try to change your stance now. Those stats do nothing to confirm that theory, as they are too general.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Racism in Porn

Did I miss something here?

What do Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King and "the black community" have anything to do with the pornography business?

Oh, and I'm pretty sure AIDS doesn't give a fuck what your skin color is.
I retract my previous statement. You responded to my post with evidence with the intent of reaffirming that this IS in fact a "racial" problem. Don't try to change your stance now. Those stats do nothing to confirm that theory, as they are too general.
I have no stance....I submitted a government website that has statistics.I will not try to "change My stance"---What the Hell,Man..."Don't try to change Your stance now"?"Stats are too general"?--I am talking about the "general" public of the USA.---You are wrong,dude.-I am saying this is a HUMAN problem,as I have said before.You have racism on Your mind.I do not!--My Girlfriend is a wonderful,loving,beautiful Black Girl and We are to be married on September 16,2007.So,back off with that racist shit.She is the most tender Human Being I have ever known.I have been with Her for two years and She supports Me,believes in Me and is faithful to Me.She is My world...I love Her more than anything and We fit together perfectly.She is the best thing that ever happened in My life in My six years in L.A.--the best thing in My life...We plan to move to Virginia and start a new life.I have a house there and it is less crowded and less stress than Los Angeles.--We both need the peace.
This thread starts off very ambigous and it seems to me that the postees have elaborated on this theme as it brings out a lot of our own stereotypes or even feelings about the issue. I have always seen porn as a very liberal institution in which they are free or by contract to do stuff that you don't see on cable tv or is the general established norm of society. Is so funny as the general norm most often is that "rascism in porn" is a black and white issue. I know someone might have brought this up already, but I am going to add to it.

1. the so popular interracial scenes are not racist, but do by the ttiles do seem to be more rascist than those who don't have the standard "black on white crime theme". Thats why to most people seeing a black man have sex with a white women is still taboo, is nasty, is unthinkable. Now the question is who is really the rascist here the industry or the people that in their own imagination like to see what they think is taboo in society. Me for being of a mix background I don't really care about what they do in the movies, the titles do bother me some since they seem to be rascist the way the portray most white women.

2. You don't see a lot of other ethnic groups in porn such as asian and latin males in porn. The notion is that most latinos like Jack Napier people think he's black and Juan Cuba as white. Asians I gues have small dick and right now the porn industry wants to see big dicks preferably blacks, but who is making these descisions? the people that watches the porn movies, so the question should be more like is our own rascims determing what is cool or (quoting jailbird Paris) hot in the porn bussines?

3. Porn is a job and as a job the performers have a right to do whatever they want to do with their bodies and with whom. If they want to reire after 3 movies or less, if Jenna Jameson doesn't want to fuck a black performer thats her choice (this is an example I don't know if thats how she feels about it), if Brianna Blaze doesn't want to fuck a sumo wrestler thats her choice also. As fans we should respect what they do or don't do with their bodies, it is not our job to acusse them of being racist, is more like a time to check deep inside of each one of us and see what is it that we really feel about skin color.
... I have always seen porn as a very liberal institution in which they are free or by contract to do stuff that you don't see on cable tv or is the general established norm of society.

Porn a liberal business ??? I really don't agree with that. It is a business that lives out of stereotypes and prejudices, between races, sexes, about sexual behaviors (how and why) etc. And they don't do it to show how stupid this is but to take advantage of it. That encourages status quo not changes. That's not what I'd called liberal.

Girls choosing the scenes they want or don't want to do? I also doubt that. ÈThis is a business who has been well known to be not very kind to the performers (girls). Unless they are big stars they don't have the choice of the guys and what they'll do with them. Many girls have talked about that. Even in porn films. In Up and Cummers, young Midori talks about that and Randy West told her that she is right but when she'll be a big star she could have the possibility to choose.
And we could talk about girls being forced, on set, to do things they don't want to. Even if they signed a contract, they can't be forced to do it. Nobody has to do what has been agreed upon in a contract, but everybody has to pay the consequences of not respecting their signature... and that's money. That's why lawers make money and contracts are thick. Most of it deals with how to evaluate the consequences. Recently I saw two interviews with producers very proud to say that they forced a girl to respect her contract and do something she didn't want to do anymore. "She didn't want but she had to... porn is serious business". We all know the line : "When a girl says no it's no..." What these guys were proud to give as example of how serious their business is, is in the criminal code called a rape and it is accepted in that business and by a lot of their consumers because they think "these girls are sluts and they got what they deserve'.

Examples could go on and on. These are no exceptions they are the rules. Selling scenes, without paying the girl, to foreign distributors who put them in weird compilations where no girls are iDed... girls paid peanuts or not paid at all to do internet so-called-casting-scenes with the excuse that it could help them becoming stars (of course producers stick together and they don't have the choice)... giving amateurs (girls in need of money) a bit more money to do unsafe sex..etc.

Showing unpolitically correct sex is not enough to make them liberal. Specially as you pointed out they are unpolitcally correct to our own prejudices and norms.

1... the so popular interracial scenes are not racist, but do by the ttiles do seem to be more rascist than those who don't have the standard "black on white crime theme".

I don't think it is only in the title. You are right, the sex is the same for White on White scenes (in fact, turn off the sound and there will be no difference between B&W and W&W scenes). But all along these 'Who's the slave now' type of scenes, the White girl is refered to as a White girl doing it with a Black guy, and in such a way that it's hard to think that she's doing it because "we are all equal human beings".

2. ... the question should be more like is our own rascims determing what is cool or (quoting jailbird Paris) hot in the porn bussines?

I totally agree. Porn is a business and it follows the same rules as ordinary businesses do. So they would not produced something if it was not selling. As consumers, we follow our rules too: we buy what we like and don't buy what we don' like.

3. ... As fans we should respect what they do or don't do with their bodies, it is not our job to acusse them of being racist, is more like a time to check deep inside of each one of us and see what is it that we really feel about skin color.

You can't be more right than that. I (and most of us) don't know any of these people and there is no reason to cast any judgment or moral values on them whatever we see or don't see them doing on screen.
Hey thanks for the understanding through all my typos. Sometimes when I type, its kinda hard to go back and read everything and correct it.
You were using stats to back up the assertion that AIDS is more common in black Americans than white Americans. In fact the stat should read that AIDS is more common in IMPOVERISHED conditions than rich suburbs, and black people in America are many times more likely to be impoverished, which explains the disparity. When the statistics are presented without the facts and the reasons behind them, they facilitate racism. Poverty and disease go hand in hand. Education and disease go hand in hand. The drugs are available (for many things, not just AIDS) and those poor masses, many of whom are non whites, are the ones who can't afford them and don't have access to them. There is nothing racist about AIDS the disease but there is something very racist about the average conditions and income of a white American and a black American, and that is exactly where your statistical AIDS disparity comes from, Sammy.

Well then..How the Hell do You fix it,Fox???--Does the Government take everything,skim off a few million dollars and then give everyone an allowance.I am for less Government and more Personal responsibility.---Damn,We are way off topic now..Sorry


The problem is in the definition of racism, we should probably make it clear first.

I use the word "racism" in this meaning: the doctrine or belief that some race (usually own) is inherently superior and predestined to rule over other races (usually not own), because they are inferior or even subhuman and thus non deserving full individual rights belonging to human beings.
Nonsense. The racism smear gets thrown around with far less stringent definitions.

E.g., a white woman who chooses not to sleep with blacks is a "racist." A white man who chooses not to employ blacks is a "racist" (and a criminal). A white who wants to live in an all-white neighborhood is a "racist." Etc., etc.
Well I know how the American society works, I do have a TV.

That's got to be the stupidest goddamn statement I've ever read, bar none. The sad part is, many a wet-behind-the-ears know-nothing Euro kid seems to believe this (based on my own personal experience).

That really takes the fucking cake, doesn't it? A clique of producers, writers, and directors decide "how American society works."

People who believe this: please pull your heads from your asses, soon.

TVLAND IS FANTASYLAND, PEOPLE! (and not a well-intentioned or healthy fantasyland, at that).


Hiliary 2020
So does Mr. Marcus have to use a seperate toilet on the set or whats the deal?
Lets ask him if racism exists in porn, the poor bastard.
I cant believe this threads still kickin.


Hiliary 2020
Really? I wonder why he said that.
My point was that I don't see any racism in porn and I doubt there is.
I do see alot of parody however, which is what sells and should not be taken too seriuosly or confused with racism, its parody.


Retired Moderator
Nonsense. The racism smear gets thrown around with far less stringent definitions.

E.g., a white woman who chooses not to sleep with blacks is a "racist." A white man who chooses not to employ blacks is a "racist" (and a criminal). A white who wants to live in an all-white neighborhood is a "racist." Etc., etc.

Well, I am not so touchy as to feel offended if my opinion is labelled as a nonsense without proving it (why have you put no reason to invalidate mine?) and therefore I don't try to fight against you, but there is something I consider as confusing. I tried to define and base my view on approach to individual rights and dignity of human beings - and I can concede I am mistaken -, but you seem to think that judging people by vaguely used and thus empty word is appropriate, which I cannot agree on and as a consequence of a plain application of your point of view I feel that it could even be dangerous for individual rights and liberties, sorry.
Is Hooters then sexist?

Is Hooters then sexist? There was a lawsuit you know! ;)

As far as learning about the US from TV ... ha! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Man, good one! US TV is largely by and for those who don't work, especially ones who have money, or the person in the family who doesn't work (including children) but another provides the money.

That's less than 25% of the US population these days, but what TV caters to -- those who watch more than 8 hours. The US media is unlike any other country in the world on this massive, capitalistic, monetary flow fact. It's a reflection of the system, not the overwhelming majority of Americans. And it's drive for "conflict" to get viewers is why it's the most racist and sexist industry in the US.

Over 50% of the people I work with at almost every single client or job I've had in the last 5 years came to the US for that job. And every single one of them says, "I can't believe how Liberal the US is -- I thought it was the exact opposite."


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The reason interracial scenes are billed as "interracial" rather than "hot sex scene" is because it is such a racist business and we are such a racist audience.

The scenes are called interracial because that's what they are. It's just like labeling a porn scene as "anal" or "mature"...it let's the audience know what they're getting. If everything was labeled "hot sex scene", I would be wasting A LOT of time trying to find something I want to stroke to.
:wave2: there's racism in every other walk of life.. that's a fucking newsflash

besides look at the number of famous black pornstars compared to famous white pornstars. It's not like they're not out there, it's about who they want to promote and give the work to.

When you combine racism with the cattiness of women anyway, it's clear why black stars won't get the opportunities everybody else gets. They'll always have a few "on standby" becuase of demand but the majority won't get these chances.
Am I wrong thinking that offending people and belittling their dignity due to their different race is racism? I might be called stupid, but I don't understand how refusing to have sex with them implies despising them. I hate racism, but, on the other hand, searching for racism in every people's activity irritates me as well.

I'm not even going to read the rest of it. This says it right here. Who a particular person wants to have sex with, thats 100% their decision, whether you like it, I like it, or whatever. I'm a white guy, I prefer white girls, not saying I wouldn't be interested in having sex with an asian, hispanic, black, whatever. I'm down, but it's not my particular taste. I don't like black male on white female most of the time. Sometimes I watch it and enjoy it, but because I'm white and usually end up imagining myself as being the dude in the porn, thats kinda hard to do because of the massive cock difference lol.

As for racism in general, people are getting shunned for things that are said everyday, things that seem to have become a joke to most everyone. Theres just some people out there who are looking to hurt someone, or people who just love crying over stupid stuff. Racism is, and will always be, whether jokingly or serious, theres no stopping it. It's everywhere. Thats peoples choice as well, and personally, as long as I don't get shanked, or my friends don't get killed cause of their race, then I don't care. Sorry if you are gonna start sending me hate mail :p...

Oh I agree with the guy above me to an extent. If girl A had a strict dad who believes in a 'family tree' (which is bogus as you said) and were to bring home a black guy or girl B had the same kind of dad and were to bring home a white guy, either way, both fathers are going to look at it as an obstruction to the tree. As for saying that interracial is a taboo, it IS. Certain people get off to that. It's not because it's saying girl a and b are more of a whore than girl c who prefers only her race, it just says "hey, here is some variety, enjoy it if you like it, don't watch it if you don't care for it." Simple as that... people who try to find racism in everything, are the ones who usually end up being accused of being a racist in the end. Why, because you have the mind set of finding every little freaking thing that no one really cared to think about in the end.
Sexism's no better than racism, and saying all women are catty, even if some are, is like saying all black americans are criminals, or all middle easterners such as myself are terrorists, or all british people like myself fuck sheep, when in fact only 97% of us actually do. It's a common stereotype that is completely inaccurate.

:wtf: just taking shit out of context...

c'mon man, you should've been able to see the context around what i was saying to understand i was talking about pornstars and the porn business but since you want to act like you can't:

:wave2: there's racism in every other walk of life.. that's a fucking newsflash

besides look at the number of famous black pornstars compared to famous white pornstars. It's not like they're not out there, it's about who they want to promote and give the work to <-- implying possible monetary upside.

When you combine racism with the cattiness of women anyway, it's clear why black stars won't get the opportunities everybody else gets. They'll always have a few "on standby" becuase of demand but the majority won't get these chances.