... I have always seen porn as a very liberal institution in which they are free or by contract to do stuff that you don't see on cable tv or is the general established norm of society.
Porn a liberal business ??? I really don't agree with that. It is a business that lives out of stereotypes and prejudices, between races, sexes, about sexual behaviors (how and why) etc. And they don't do it to show how stupid this is but to take advantage of it. That encourages status quo not changes. That's not what I'd called liberal.
Girls choosing the scenes they want or don't want to do? I also doubt that. ÈThis is a business who has been well known to be not very kind to the performers (girls). Unless they are big stars they don't have the choice of the guys and what they'll do with them. Many girls have talked about that. Even in porn films. In Up and Cummers, young Midori talks about that and Randy West told her that she is right but when she'll be a big star she
could have the possibility to choose.
And we could talk about girls being forced, on set, to do things they don't want to. Even if they signed a contract, they can't be forced to do it. Nobody has to do what has been agreed upon in a contract, but everybody has to
pay the consequences of not respecting their signature... and that's money. That's why lawers make money and contracts are thick. Most of it deals with how to evaluate the consequences. Recently I saw two interviews with producers very proud to say that they forced a girl to respect her contract and do something she didn't want to do anymore. "She didn't want but she had to... porn is
serious business". We all know the line : "When a girl says no it's no..." What these guys were proud to give as example of how serious their business is, is in the criminal code called a
rape and it is accepted in that business and by a lot of their consumers because they think "these girls are sluts and they got what they deserve'.
Examples could go on and on. These are no exceptions they are the rules. Selling scenes, without paying the girl, to foreign distributors who put them in weird compilations where no girls are iDed... girls paid peanuts or not paid at all to do internet so-called-casting-scenes with the excuse that it could help them becoming stars (of course producers stick together and they don't have the choice)... giving amateurs (girls in need of money) a bit more money to do unsafe sex..etc.
Showing unpolitically correct sex is not enough to make them liberal. Specially as you pointed out they are unpolitcally correct to our own prejudices and norms.
1... the so popular interracial scenes are not racist, but do by the ttiles do seem to be more rascist than those who don't have the standard "black on white crime theme".
I don't think it is only in the title. You are right, the sex is the same for White on White scenes (in fact, turn off the sound and there will be no difference between B&W and W&W scenes). But all along these 'Who's the slave now' type of scenes, the White girl is refered to as a White girl doing it with a Black guy, and in such a way that it's hard to think that she's doing it because "we are all equal human beings".
2. ... the question should be more like is our own rascims determing what is cool or (quoting jailbird Paris) hot in the porn bussines?
I totally agree. Porn is a business and it follows the same rules as ordinary businesses do. So they would not produced something if it was not selling. As consumers, we follow our rules too: we buy what we like and don't buy what we don' like.
3. ... As fans we should respect what they do or don't do with their bodies, it is not our job to acusse them of being racist, is more like a time to check deep inside of each one of us and see what is it that we really feel about skin color.
You can't be more right than that. I (and most of us) don't know any of these people and there is no reason to cast any judgment or moral values on them whatever we see or don't see them doing on screen.